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Cambridge IELTS 14Test3Section2 High frequency Vocabulary Volunteer Activity in Listening Part II of the third set of topics in Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening is about volunteering [...]

Cambridge IELTS 14Test3Section2 Listening High Frequency Vocabulary Volunteer Activity

The second part of the third set of IELTS 14 listening questions is about volunteer activities. The content involves the source of volunteers, requirements for their qualifications, and the people they serve. According to the convention, we summarize the IELTS listening test vocabulary.

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Cambridge IELTS 14Test3Section2 original listening

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High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

volunteer n. Volunteer

Example: Most of the relief work was done by volunteers Most of the rescue work was done by volunteers.

childcare n. Child Care

Example: People earning low waters will find it difficulty to pay for childcare Low income people will find it difficult to pay for child care.

babysitting n. Taking care of children

If you ever need help with the babysitting , I'd be glad to help if you need someone to look after your children.

employment n. Employment

Example: She was offered employment In the sales office.

prospect n. Prospect

There is no immediate prospect There is no possibility of peace in the short term.

element n. Element

It was a modernist triumph, and many elements Remain central features of today's kitchen.

CV Resume

Examples: Applications are asked to send in a CV And a covering letter.

overcome v. Overcome

Example: He struggled to overcome He tries to overcome his shyness.

isolation n. Isolation

Example: Because of its geographic isolation , the area developed its own unique culture.

hobby n. Hobbies

Example: Retirement give him the time to pursue his hobbies After retirement, he has plenty of time to do what he likes.

self-esteem n. Self esteem

Example: You need to build your self-esteem You need to build self-esteem.

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Cambridge IELTS 14Test3Section2 Listening High Frequency Vocabulary Volunteer Activity: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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