Background on school marching [...]

Background on school marching band

The third part of the fourth set of IELTS 14 listening questions consists of six note taking blank filling questions and four matching questions. Generally speaking, the filling in blanks in Section 3 of IELTS listening is often faster, and the prompt words are not obvious, so you need to locate them according to the rhythm of questions and answers, which is more difficult than Section 4. Please pay more attention.

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Cambridge IELTS 14Test3Section3 Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 3 Section 3

Answer to question 21: 50

Well the band has students in it from all years, so they're aged 11 to 18, and there are about fifty  of them altogether.

Answer analysis: Question 1 is relatively simple. From the stem of the question, it can be judged that the blank should be filled with specific numbers, and then 50 can be locked.

Answer to question 22: regional

They are not really good enough to enter national band competitions, but they are in a regional  one later in the term.

Answer analysis: after hearing that band competitions realized that the answer was coming, the original text denied national, and then determined the corresponding regional as the answer.

Answer to question 23: carnival

Corresponding original text: Well, now the town council’s organising a carnival  in the summer, and the band has been asked to perform.

Answer analysis: there are two difficulties in this question: one is the spelling of carnal; Second, the original text uses the method of reversing the word order of the old roast duck IELTS, saying the answer first, and then referring to the asked corresponding to invited, to test your short-term memory ability.

Answer to question 24: drummer

Corresponding original text: I played a recording I game across, of a drummer  talking about how playing in a band had changed his life.

Answer analysis: It is also a method of reversing the word order. The corresponding point of the prompt word talk is placed after the answer, but this time it appears next to the answer, so it is not too difficult.

Answer to question 25: film

I'm planning to show them that old film from the 1940s ‘Strike Up the Band’, and talk about it with the students.

Answer analysis: once again, the word order is reversed, and the prompt word talk is far from the answer, so we can only locate the sentence where the answer lies according to the rhythm of the question and answer, and filter out film according to the part of speech.

Answer to question 26: parade

Corresponding original text: I'm shopping I can take some of the band to a parade  that’s going to take place next month.

Answer analysis: Hear hoping and realize that the answer is coming. Although the unprecedented word "tend" does not have a clear corresponding point in the original text, it is easier to notice "parade" according to the part of speech and stress.

Answer to question 27: D

There's a flourish who says she loves playing in the band We rehearse twice a week after school, but she’s hardly ever there

The problem with flute players is that they are always absent from rehearsals. The D option misses too many rehearsals corresponds to hardly ever there, which is the correct answer.

Answer to question 28: B

There's a truss who thinks she's the best musical in the band, though she certainly isn’t. She’s always saying what she thinks other people should do

Answer analysis: The problem with trumpet is that it is too arrogant and always says what she thinks others should do. The B option suggestions corresponds to saying what she thinks other people should do, and unhelpful corresponds to the previous self righteous, which is determined to be the correct answer.

Answer to question 29: E

Corresponding original text: he has breaking difficulties, and he doesn’t really have enough breath for the trombone

Answer analysis: trombone players are suffering from breathing, and there is not enough breath to play the trombone. That is, there is a health problem, so E is the correct answer.

Answer to question 30: F

But he never sees to interact with other people, and he always rushes off as soon as the rehearsal ends

Answer: The problem for percussion players is that they don't communicate with others and leave immediately after rehearsal. Corresponding to the F option does not mix with other students, so that it is the correct answer.

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