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Cambridge IELTS 14Test1Section3 High frequency listening vocabulary cities build by the sea

Cities build by the sea

The third part of the first set of IELTS 14 listening questions is about coastal city planning. During the research, two students found that most of the large cities were located at the seaside, but their development inevitably caused water pollution. They also found that these cities have similar planning problems, which need to be solved by mobilizing the wisdom resources of the world.

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Cambridge IELTS 14Test1Section3 original listening

Cities build by the sea

High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

presentation n. Display, report

Example: We will begin a series of presentations To help the public fully understand our system.

urban Urban

Example: She demonstrates the interplay between changing gender divisions and urban Change. She studies the interaction between changes in gender differences and urban changes

structure n. Structure

Example: changes in the social and economic structure Changes in social structure and economic structure of a society.

agriculture v. Agriculture

More than 75% of the land is used for agriculture More than 75% of the land is used for farming.

relevant Adj. Related

example sentence: Relevant Documents were presented in court.

pollutant n. Pollutants

Example: A steady stream of California traffic clogs the air with pollutants The endless traffic in California fills the air with pollutants.

discharge v. Emissions

Example: Large amounts of dangerous waste are discharged This factory discharges a lot of dangerous waste every day

drain v. Drainage

example sentence: Drain Off the excess fat from the meat.

principle n. Principle

Example: Schools try to teach children a set of principles The school tries to teach the children a set of moral principles.

faulty Adj. Faulty

Customers may ask for a reply if the goods are faulty If there is a problem with the product, the customer can ask for a return.

authority n. Authority

Example: teenage Rebellion against authority Figures. Teenagers' rebellion against elders

dispose v. Disposal

Example: the differences of disposing Of nuclear waste

sensible Wise and reasonable.

Example: She sees very sensible She seems very wise.

Cambridge IELTS 14Test1Section1 Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Construction talk for new accessories

Line renewable energy

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Cities build by the sea: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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