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The answers to the IELTS test on September 4, 2021 hit Part 3. The difficulty of today's test seems to be average, and the number of people complaining is quite small. Of course, it may be [...]

On September 4, 2021, the answers to the IELTS test hit Part 3

The difficulty of today's exam seems to be average, and the number of people complaining is quite small. Of course, this may also be because the new oral question season has just begun, and there are fewer students who have applied for the exam.

P. S. Today, our IELTS listening prediction hit Part 3, and the prediction on September 11 will not be made until evening. There are 20 pieces of listening prediction in each part, 80 pieces in total, which are only applicable to exams in mainland China, and no refunds will be made if you fail. Students in need can click the following link for details: Prediction of IELTS Listening Test for Roast Duck

IELTS Listening

Part 1 Booking

The answer is missing

Part 2 Employee welfare and leave of supermarket chains

Question type: Select+Match

11-16 Selection

11. what is the best attraction of the company

A. salary

12. The advantage of the supermarket in attracting customers is that

C. value of products

13. Work characteristics of supermarket chain employees

C. more responsibilities

14. what discount can a typical worker enjoy?

B. 15%

15. how long should employees stay to earn holiday benefits??

C. 3 months

16-20 matching questions

16. conference room: C. reserved for senior managers

17. kitchen: F. staff feel they are at home

18. kids-land: B. suitable for family who has children

19. XXX hall: A. suitable for celebrations and parties

twenty G. short stay

Part 3 Australian Chocolate

Question type: match+select

21-25 matching

21. chocolate histories: write fewer words

22. chocolate origin: add some up-to-date materials

23. chocolate geographies: adding cases analysis

24. Politely chocolate: more interesting information

25. chocolate environment: need a visual aid

26-30 selection

26. Why Australian cocoa crop is better

B. from small producers

27. Why Australian soil is better

C. adding extra nutrition

28. waste product is used to

B. feed the animal

29. Why the part of XX is removed

A. it is an unnecessary part

30. what improvement needs to be done in the future?

A. waste management of the industry

Part 4 Bees and UAVs

Type: Fill in the blank

31-40. Fill in the blank

31. be used safely in extreme weather and in chemical

32. working to monitor agriculture

33. explore the new planet

thirty-four horizon

35. need good vision

36. bee has a small brain just like a sesame seed

37. in a large room, they calculate distance

38. put an image in front of the pit

39. can change face in wind

40. different slightly in color in the photograph of sky

Oral part of IELTS

September December 2021 IELTS Spoken Machine Scripts IELTS Spoken Part 1 Model

Answers to IELTS Speaking Part 2 of IELTS Speaking Question Bank from September to December 2021

IELTS Reading

Chapter 1: Various writers of detective stories

Chapter 2: Biological Clock

Part III: Business Training

IELTS Writing

Short composition: histogram

Big composition: agree or not

It will be better to have wide use of driveless cars for individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
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Part 3: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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