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IELTS Oral Part2 Topic Card: Describe an exciting book that you enjoy r [...]

IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference only, and we hope you can write your answers according to your real experience

The focus of this question is exciting, that is to say, no matter what book you introduce, you must explain why it excites you. It may be that the plot development of this book is unexpected (such as Song of Ice and Fire), it may be that the villain died in the end, it may be that it solved your long-standing doubts, or it may overturn your previous cognition.


Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading

You should say

When you read it

What kind of book it is

What it is about

And explain why you think it is exciting

Reference answer

Here are the original reference answers for the old roast duck editor according to the specific topic requirements:

please Beijing New Channel Shanghai New Channel Xiaozhan IELTS Acaso Foreign Teacher Network Baili Tianxia Studying Abroad as well as Intelligent course network Don't copy the articles of this website again.

The book I am going to tell you about is Sanguoyanyi, Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It is a historical novel attributed to Luo Guanzhong. The story is set in the turbulent years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history, and is closed with the reunification of the land.

The last book I read was Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It is a historical novel written by Luo Guanzhong. The story is set in the turbulent years of the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history, and ends with the re unification of this land.

The story – part historical, part legend, and part mythical – romanticizes and dramatizes the lives of lords and their retainers, who tried to replace the dwindling Han dynasty or restore it. While the novel follows hundreds of characters, the focus is mainly on the three power blocs that emerged from the remnants of the Han dynasty. It deals with the plots, personal and military battles, intrigues and struggles of these states to achieve dominance.

This novel with some historical facts, legends and myths romanticizes and dramatizes the life of the lord and his officials. They tried to replace the shaky Han Dynasty or rebuild it. Although the novel describes hundreds of characters, the focus is on the three armed groups rising from the remnants of the Han Dynasty. Its contents include the strategies, individual fights, military wars and struggles of these countries in the process of achieving reunification.

I read this book on the train from my university in XXX to my home in XXX. It was a long journey. I needed something besides the cellphone to kill time. While I was browsing the shelves of a bookshop at the train station this article is from Laokaoya website, I found this book. Although it is a quite well-known novel in China, I had never read it. So I thought this would be a great opportunity to make up. I bought it and took it on the train.

I read this book on the train from school to home. The journey is very long. I need something other than my mobile phone to pass the time. When I was browsing the bookshelves in the railway station bookstore, I saw this book. Although it is very famous in China, I have never read it. So I think this is a good opportunity to make up for it. I bought it and took it to the train.

The most exciting thing about this book is the unexpected but logical experience of various characters. They may die right before they are going to achieve success and eventually encounter defeat on the battlefield after numerous victories. The despicable ones claim the throne, while the honourable heroes can accidentally lose their lives.

The most exciting part of this book is the unexpected but logical experience of each character. They may die before they succeed, or they may fail on the battlefield after countless victories. The despicable villain won the throne, while the honorable hero lost his life unexpectedly.

Part 3 Additional questions

Do you prefer books or movies?

Do you think it is very important to read the book before watching the movie version of it?

Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?

What kinds of books do Chinese people like reading?

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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading!


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