Plant thermometer triggers sp [...]

Plant thermometer triggers spring time growth by measuring night time heat

The third article is about the temperature sensitive molecules in plants. The article consists of eight parts, which respectively introduce the dual role of phytochemicals in plants, their impact on plant growth, the significance of this discovery for crop cultivation, and the principle of this molecule. The following is the translation of each paragraph.

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Plant thermometer triggers spring time growth by measuring night time heat

Cambridge IELTS 16 Test3 Passage3 Reading original translation


A photoreceptor molecule in plant cells has been found to have a second job as a thermometer after dark – allowing plants to read seasonal temperature changes. Scientists say the discovery could help breed crops that are more resilient to the temperatures expected to result from climate change

Photosensitive molecules in plant cells have been found to have another role, serving as thermometers when night falls, so that plants can read seasonal temperature changes. Scientists believe that this discovery can help cultivate crops that are more adaptable to the temperature changes caused by climate change.

Part A

An international team of scientists led by the University of Cambridge has discovered that the ‘thermometer’ molecule in plants enables them to develop according to seasonal temperature changes. Researchers have revealed that molecules called phytochromes – used by plants to detect light during the day – actually change their function in d arkness to become cellular temperature gauges that measure the heat of the night.

An international team of scientists led by Cambridge University found that the "thermometer" molecules in plants allow them to grow according to seasonal temperature changes. Researchers have found a molecule called photosensitive element – which plants use to detect light during the day – changes its function at night, turning it into a molecular thermometer to measure heat at night.

The new findings, published in the journal Science , show that phytochromes control genetic switches in response to temperature as well as light to dictate plant development.

These new findings, published in the journal Science, show that photosensitizers control gene changes to cope with the temperature and light that govern plant growth.

Part B

At night, these molecules change states, and the pace at which they change is ‘directly proportional to temperature’, say scientists, who compare phytochromes to mercury in a thermometer. The warmer it is, the faster the molecular change – stimulating plant growth.

Scientists compared the photosensitive element with the watermark in the thermometer and found that these molecules would change their shape at night, and the speed of change was "directly related to temperature". The higher the temperature, the faster the molecular changes – stimulating plant growth.

Part C

Farmers and gardeners have known for hundreds of years how responsive plants are to temperature: warm winters cause many trees and flowers to bud early, this article is from Laokaoya website, something humans have long used to predict weather and harvest times for the coming year. The latest research pinpoints for the first time a molecular mechanism in plants that reacts to temperature – often triggering the buds of spring we long to see at the end of winter.

Farmers and gardeners have known for hundreds of years that plants are sensitive to temperature: warm winters encourage trees and flowers to sprout early. People have long used this phenomenon to predict the weather and harvest time of the coming year. Recent research has for the first time clarified the mechanism of molecular response to temperature in plants. This mechanism triggers the spring buds that we long to see at the end of winter.

Part D

With weather and temperatures set to become ever more unpredictable due to climate change, researchers say the discovery that this light-sensing molecule also functions as the internal thermometer in plant cells could help us breed tougher crops. ‘It is estimated that agricultural yields will need to double by 2050, but climate change is a major threat to achieving this. Key crops such as wheat and rice are sensitive to high temperatures. Thermal stress reduces crop yields by around 10% for every one degree increase in temperature, ’ says lead researcher Dr Philip Wigge from Cambridge’s Sainsbury Laboratory. ‘ Discovering the molecules that allow plants to sense temperature has the potential to accelerate the breeding of crops resilient to thermal stress and climate change.’

In the case that weather and temperature are destined to become more unpredictable due to climate change, researchers believe that this discovery – photosensing molecules also act as thermometers inside plant cells – can help us cultivate more tenacious crops. "It is estimated that agricultural output needs to double by 2050, but the climate change article from the old roast duck IELTS poses a serious threat to achieving this goal. Major crops such as wheat and rice are very sensitive to high temperatures. Every temperature rise of 1 degree, food output will decline by 10%," said Philip Wigge, chief researcher of Sainsbury Laboratory in Cambridge. "The discovery of temperature sensing molecules in plants may help us cultivate crops that are more adaptable to temperature rise and climate change".

Part E

In their active state, phytochrome molecules bind themselves to DNA to restrict plant growth. During the day, sunlight activates the molecules, slowing down growth. If a plant finds itself in shade, phytochromes are quickly inactivated enabling it to grow faster to find sunlight again. This is how plants compete to escape each other’s shade. ‘Light-driven changes to phytochrome activity occur very fast, in less than a second,’ says Wigge.

In the active state, photosensitive molecules combine with DNA to restrict plant growth. During the day, sunlight activates these molecules and reduces their growth rate. If a plant finds itself in the shadow, the photosensitive element will be quickly inactivated, enabling it to grow faster to find sunlight again. This is the mechanism by which plants compete with each other to escape from each other's shadow. "Light driven photosensitive activity changes very quickly, less than a second," Wigge said.

At night, however, it’s a different story. Instead of a rapid deactivation following sundown, the molecules gradually change from their active to inactive state. This is called ‘dark reversion’. ‘Just as mercury rises in a thermometer, the rate at which phytochromes revert to their inactive state during the night is a direct measure of temperature,’ says Wigge.

However, the night is another story. After sunset, these molecules did not passivate rapidly, but gradually changed from an active state to a dormant state. This process is called "return of the night". "Just like mercury rises in a thermometer, the speed at which photosensitive elements return to dormancy at night is a direct reflection of temperature," Wigge said.

Part F

‘The lower the temperature, the slower the rate at which phytochromes revert to inactivity, so the molecules spend more time in their active, growth-suppressing state. This is why plants are slower to grow in winter. Warm temperatures accelerate dark reversion, so that phytochromes rapidly reach an inactive state and detach themselves from the plant’s DNA – allowing genes to be expressed and plant growth to resume.’ Wigge believes phytochrome thermo-sensing evolved at a later stage, and co-opted the biological network already used for light-based growth during the downtime of night.

"The lower the temperature is, the slower the photosensitizer will return to its dormant state. Therefore, these molecules will spend more time in active state and suppress plant growth. This is why plants grow more slowly in winter. The warm temperature will accelerate the return of the dark night, so that the photosensitizers can quickly reach an inactive state, separate themselves from the plant DNA, allow genes to be expressed, and the plant will resume growth. ". Wigge believes that the temperature sensing ability of photosensitizers appeared in the late evolution, and they joined the biological network that has been used to grow at night.

Part G

Some plants mainly use day length as an indicator of the season. Other species, such as daffodils, have considerable temperature sensitivity, and can flower months in advance during a warm winter. In fact, the discovery of the dual role of phytochromes provides the science behind a well-known rhyme long used to predict the coming season: oak before ash we’ll have a splash, ash before oak we’re in for a soak.

Some plants mainly use the day length as a symbol of the season. Other plants, such as daffodils, are sensitive to temperature and can flower several months earlier in warm winter. In fact, the discovery of the dual function of photosensitizers provides a scientific basis for a well-known idiom used to predict the coming season: If If the ash tree sprouts first, there will be a lot of rain in that summer, but if the oak tree sprouts first, there will be little rain in that summer.

Wigge explains: ‘Oak trees rely much more on temperature, likely using phytochromes as thermometers to dictate development, whereas ash trees rely on measuring day length to determine their seasonal timing. A warmer spring, and consequently a higher likeliness of a hot summer, will result in oak leafing before ash. A cold spring will see the opposite. As the British know only too well, a colder summer is likely to be a rain-soaked one.’

Wigge explained: "Oaks rely more on temperature and may use photosensitizers as thermometers to determine their growth. Ash trees rely on day length to determine their seasonal rhythm. A warmer spring, followed by a more likely hot summer, will cause oaks to sprout earlier than ash trees. A cold spring will cause the opposite. As the British are familiar with, a colder summer is likely to be rainy.

Section H

The new findings are the culmination of twelve years of research involving scientists from Germany, Argentina and the US, as well as the Cambridge team. The work was done in a model system, using a mustard plant called Arabidopsis, but Wigge says the phytochrome genes necessary for temperature sensing are found in crop plants as well. ‘Recent advances in plant genetics now mean that scientists are able to rapidly identify the genes controlling these processes in crop plants, and even alter their activity using precise molecular “scalpels” ‘, adds Wigge. “Cambridge is uniquely well-positioned to do this kind of research as we have outstanding collaborators nearby who work on more applied aspects of plant biology, and can help us transfer this new knowledge into the field.

These new findings are the results of a 12 year study. Its participants include scientists from Germany, Argentina and the United States, as well as the Cambridge University's own team. The specific work was carried out through the model system, using a mustard plant called Murine Ear Mustard. But the photosensitive genes necessary to sense temperature also exist in crops, Wigge said. "The latest progress in the field of plant genes means that scientists can quickly find gene fragments that control these processes in crops, and even use accurate molecular scalpels to change their activity status," Wigge added. "Cambridge has a unique advantage in carrying out this research, because there are excellent collaborators near us. Their research on plant biology is more applied, which can help us apply this new knowledge to practice".

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