Cambridge IELTS 16Test3Passage2 Reading Answers Analysis

Cambridge IELTS 16Test3Passage2 Interpretation of Reading Answers

The 13 questions in the second article of the third set of questions of IELTS 16 Reading consists of 6 paragraph information matching, 3 summary filling in the blank and 2 multiple-choice 5/2. Because the article is too long, and most of the corresponding points of the topic are hidden in the middle of the paragraph, we will encounter many difficulties when searching, which will test your reading speed. Below are the answers to each question for reference.

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Cambridge IELTS 16 Test3 Passage2 Reading Answers

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Answer to question 14: D

Corresponding to the original text: Part D: Hunters would have easily misplaced arrows and they often discarded broken boats rather than take them all the way home

Answer analysis: Part A, the second paragraph of Part B and Part D refer to the arrows (i.e. weapons) in the original text. The first two places only explain that there are arrows, and only Part D explains why there are arrows (the hunter shoots the target and directly abandons the damaged bow and arrow). Therefore, the answer is D.

Answer to question 15: C

Corresponding to the original text: Part C, paragraph 3: Fieldwork is hard work – hiking with all our equipment, often camping on permafrost

Answer analysis: Part C, paragraph 3 begins with Barrett's words describing the hardships of glacier archaeology. They have to travel on foot with full equipment, and they often have to camp on frozen soil. All of these can correspond to the physical difficulties in the question stem, from which C is determined to be the correct answer.

Answer to question 16: F

Corresponding to the original text: Part F, paragraph 2: A colder turn in the Scandinavian climate would like to have mean widespread crash failures

Answer analysis: The description of food mainly focuses on part F. If you are in the exam, you can determine that F is the answer. But we can be more careful in practice and look for the exact corresponding sentences. Paragraph 2 of Part F points out that the cold climate in Scandinavia means widespread food failure. That is, the reason for less food is that the climate is getting colder, so the answer is determined.

Answer to question 17: H

Corresponding to the original text: Part H: That means archeologists could be extracting some of those artifacts from recreating ice in years to come

Answer analysis: Generally, the content of this imagination of the future appears at the end of the article. At the end of Part H, "This means that archaeologists may find some artifacts from the retreating ice in the future". In years to come corresponds to the future in the stem, so H is the correct answer.

Answer to question 18: G

Corresponding to the original text: Part G: these recent discoveries show that plenty of goods travelled on overland routes... growing Norwegian towns, along with export markets, would have created a booming demand for hides to fight off the cold, as well as antlers to make useful things like combs.

Answer analysis: The original text refers to trade at the end of the first paragraph of Part C, in the middle of Part E, and in Part G. Among them, the first two points are only superficial. Only part G gives the examples of hides and antlers, which correspond to the examples of items in the question stem, so that G is the correct answer.

Answer to question 19: B

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 1 of Part B: once said out, these materials experience degradation relatively swiftly.

Part B, paragraph 2: If something fractal drives and is windblown it might very soon be lost to science, or an arrow might be exposed and then covered again by the next snow and remain well-preserved.

Answer analysis: Both natural paragraphs in Part B mention the urgency of time. The first paragraph points out that once thawed, these items will decompose faster. As mentioned in the second paragraph, if these fragile things become dry and blown by the wind, they will soon lose the significance of scientific research, and the arrows may be buried again. Therefore, determine that B is the correct answer.

Answer to question 20: micro organisms/micro organisms

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 1 of Part B: Organic materials like textiles and rides are relatively rare finds at archaeological sites This article is from Laokaoya website. This is because unless they’re protected from the microorganisms that cause decay

Answer analysis: locate the first paragraph of Part B according to the texts, and then locate the specific sentence according to the corresponding protected and protected words. The unprecedented word "against" is synonymous with "from", and the answer is determined to be "microborganisms".

Answer to question 21: reindeer

Corresponding to the original text: Part C, Paragraph 1: Reindeer once aggregated on these icy patches in the later summer months to escape biting insects

Answer analysis: As for the previous question, there is no good positioning word, but there is a summer after the space to help us locate this sentence. The synonyms of gathered and consolidated are replaced. The correct answer is reindeer, which is locked by the subject predicate phrase relationship.

Answer to question 22: inserts

Corresponding original text: Same as above

Answer analysis: avoid is synonymous with escape, so the answer should still be in the same sentence. In the original text, the only word with proper semantics is "insects", thus locking the answer.

Answer to question 23: B

Corresponding to the original text: Part F, paragraph 1: But it turned out that hunters keep regularly venturing into the mountains even when the climate turned cold

Answer analysis: At the end of the first paragraph of Part F, it is mentioned that "but the results show that hunters often venture into mountains even when the climate is cold". Option B only replaces venturing with went into, turned cold with extreme cold, and the others are original words or subject words, so B is the correct answer.

Answer to question 24: C

Corresponding to the original text: Part E: But there were now or no signs of activity during other periods

Part H: a gap with most no artifacts from about 3800 to 2200 BCE In fact, archaeological finds from that period are rare all over Norway.

Answer analysis: The C option has two corresponding points in the original text. First, Part E mentioned that there were more artifacts in some periods, while there were fewer or no signs of activity in some periods. Then part H of the article comes from the old roast duck IELTS and gives a detailed explanation. There was a gap between 3800 BC and 2200 BC. There were very few archaeological discoveries in Norway during this period. According to either of them, C can be determined as the correct answer.

With the exception of options B and C, all other options exist out of thin air. Option A is wrong because it was limited to skiing equipment, option D is wrong because it is unrelated results, and option E is wrong because it is more than.

Answer to question 25: A

Corresponding original text: Part G: growing Norwegian towns, along with export markets, would have created a booming demand for hides to fight off the cold, as well as antlers to make useful things like combs. Business must have been good for hunters.

Answer analysis: At the end of Part G, it is mentioned that the demand for fur and antlers has increased significantly, and the business of hunters must be very good. The option "A" corresponds to good, "incremental demand" corresponds to booting demand, and "goods" corresponds to rides and ants. That is, all information points can be found in the original text, so it is determined as the correct answer.

Answer to question 26: C

Corresponding to the original text: Part G: Although we usually think of ships when we think of Scandinavian expansion, these recent discoveries show that plenty of goods travelled on overland routes

Answer analysis: Part G mentioned that "although we always think of ships when we imagine the expansion of Scandinavians, recent findings show that a large number of goods are transported by road routes", that is, Vikings do not rely solely on ships to transport goods, so C is the correct answer.

Option B is wrong with the greatest growth, option D is wrong with around the world (only Europe and the Middle East), and option E is wrong with Middle East (also Europe).

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