How to make wide decisions [...]

How to make wise decisions

The 14 questions in the third article of the second set of questions of Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading consists of 3 single choices, 5 word choices and 5 TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN judgments. The idea of writing the question is the usual one, but it is difficult to do because the article is very obscure and there are many long and difficult sentences. Below are the answers to each question.

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How to Make a Wise Choice

How to make wise decisions

Cambridge IELTS 16 Test2 Passage3 Reading Answers

Answer to question 27: B

The first paragraph:, empirical research examining wisdom suggests that it isn’t an exceptional trait

Answer analysis: In the middle of the first paragraph, it is mentioned that "although real wisdom is rare, empirical research on wisdom shows that it is not a rare feature". That is, people's previous idea is wrong, so B is the correct answer.

Answer to question 28: C

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 2: It appears that empirical, situational, and cultural factors are even more powerful in shaping wisdom than previously imagined

Answer analysis: At the beginning of the second paragraph, it is mentioned that "experience, situation and cultural factors are much more important than previously thought in shaping wisdom". The first half of the paragraph corresponds to the certificate influences of option C, and the second half corresponds to the undetermined, so that C is the correct answer. Option A is wrong from one person to another (in the original text, it means different situations, not different people). Option B and option D cannot be found in the original text, so they are excluded altogether.

Answer to question 29: B

In other words, wisdom is not alone an "inner quality" but rather unfolds as a function of situations people happen to be in

Answer analysis: In the back of the middle of paragraph 3, it is pointed out that "wisdom is not only the internal quality of, but also the expansion of the function of the situation in which people live". Although this sentence is somewhat awkward, our article comes from the old roast duck IELTS. According to the structure of not... but rather..., it can be seen that what it wants to emphasize is the role of the situation, so B is the correct answer. Option C is the negative content of this sentence, while option A and option D do not correspond, so they are excluded altogether.

Answer to question 30: D

One of the most relevant ways to support wisdom in our own day to day decisions is to look at scenes from a third party perspective

Answer analysis: At the beginning of paragraph 5, it is pointed out that "one of the most reliable ways to help wisdom in our daily decision-making is to look at problems from the perspective of a third party". That is, a strategy to help people think more wisely, so that D is the correct answer.

Answer to question 31: D

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 4: four key characteristics as part of a framework of wise reasoning One is intellectual humility or recognition of the limits of our own knowledge

Answer analysis: locate the fourth paragraph according to the title, and then locate the sentence according to the knowledge. From the perspective of the modifier relationship, there are two alternative answers: - height and limits. Only D in the option can be synonymous with the former, thus locking the answer.

Answer to question 32: A

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 4: Sensitivity to the probability of change in social relations is also key, this article is from Laokaoya website, along with compromise or integration of different attitudes and beliefs.

Answer analysis: The word order of the last three features is reversed, so it seems troublesome. However, according to the correspondence between the empty attributive clause - not be the same as our own and different, you can lock attributes and beliefs. Looking through the options, we found that both A and C can be replaced with their synonyms, so we will put them aside and come back after confirming 33 questions.

Answer to question 33: C

Paragraph 4: another is adoption of perspectives wider than the issue at hand

Answer analysis: The unprecedented word "broad" is synonymous with "wide", thus locking perspectives, which can also correspond to A and C. But careful students may find that there is an unprecedented "a" in this question, that is, the singular form of a noun should be filled in the blank, so that C is the correct answer. The answer to question 32 is A.

Answer to question 34: F

One of the most relevant ways to support wisdom in our own day to day decisions is to look at scenes from a third party perspective

Answer analysis: In paragraph 5, Grossmann recommends that you only use a third-party perspective when looking at problems. In the options similar to this, F objectivity is used to determine the answer.

Answer to question 35: G

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 5: 'observer' viewpoint we reason more broadly and focus more on personal and moral ideas, such as justice and importance

Answer analysis: according to the focus more, we should lock the interpersonal according to the parallel relationship of the question stems. But after browsing the options, we found that there was no synonymous replacement words. Therefore, we expanded our search scope and found that there are two examples of justice and integrity. They are exactly synonymous with the G option fairness, which determines the answer.

Answer to question 36: FALSE

The students were instructed to image their care either 'as if you were a distance observer' or 'before your own eyes as if you were right there'

Answer analysis: The original text uses the word "instructed" when describing the way students think, that is, they are instructed by researchers, rather than freely chosen. The could choose in the question stem conflicts with this once, so the answer is FALSE.

Answer to question 37: NOT GIVEN

Corresponding original text: None

Answer analysis: The original text only describes the experiment with couples, but whether they know the purpose and content of the experiment is not mentioned at all, so the answer is NOT GIVEN.

Answer to question 38: NOT GIVEN

Corresponding original text: None

Answer analysis: The focus of the husband and wife experiment is to measure the difference caused by the change of thinking angle. As for whether the length of the husband and wife relationship has an impact, it is not mentioned. Therefore, the answer is NOT GIVEN.

Answer to question 39: TRUE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 7: Participants in the group assigned to the distance observer 'role displayed more wiredom related reasoning (intellectual humanity and recognition of change) than did participants in the control group

Paragraph 8: Couples in the 'other's eyes' condition were significantly more like to relate on wise reasoning – recognizing others' perspectives and searching for a competition - completed to the couples in the territorial condition

Answer analysis: At the end of paragraphs 7 and 8, the experimental results are summarized. Whether students or couples, thinking from the perspective of a third party will be more intelligent. The question stem is just a summary of this, so the answer is TRUE.

Answer to question 40: TRUE

Research shows only a small positive relationship between wise thinking and crystallized intelligence and the personality traits of openness and agreement‘

Answer analysis: Paragraph 10 points out that the connection between intelligence and intelligence is very weak. In the stem, a very limited extent corresponds to only a small positive relationship. Other basic words appear or are simply part of speech replacements, so the answer is TRUE.

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How to make wide decisions: There are currently 3 comments

  1. 0F

    This article is really unusual. I got 8 points for this article

    2021-10-13 18:50 [Reply]
  2. 0F
    The Supreme Learning Emperor

    Anyone who thinks the sword 10-test4-passage3 is difficult, please raise your hand: :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :cry:  :cry:

    2021-10-18 11:21 [Reply]
    • anonymous

      agree with

      2024-05-22 17:49 [Reply]


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