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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is there an IELTS test center in Beibu Gulf University? Yesterday, a student from Guangxi asked this question. Then, the old roast duck will be served today [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is there an IELTS test center in Beibu Gulf University?

Yesterday, a student from Guangxi asked this question. So, today, Old Roast Duck will give you a unified explanation of the questions related to this examination site, hoping to help more students.

Answer: No, the official organization of the IELTS test (British Council, abbreviated as BC) has not set up an IELTS test center in Beibu Gulf University. In fact, the official establishment of examination centers will refer to many factors, the most important one is the number of candidates, but their own human resources. Therefore, after synthesizing many situations, the authorities only set up examination sites in a few universities. However, the roast ducks studying at Beibu Gulf University and living in the surrounding areas need not worry. Because, you can still find a suitable IELTS test site in Guangxi to take the exam.

According to the current layout of BC's test sites, the official has set up an IELTS test site in Guangxi. The details of the test site are as follows:

IELTS Test Center of Guangxi University

It can be seen from the number of test sites that Guangxi is not particularly rich in test site resources. Therefore, the old roast duck suggested that students who need to take the exam should register as soon as possible, so as to avoid the situation of insufficient exam seats. In general, people are about 30 days ahead of schedule.

 Does Beibu Gulf University have an IELTS exam room

see: Schedule of IELTS Test in Guangxi Province

The above is the question and answer about "Is there an IELTS test site in Beibu Gulf University?" For more information about IELTS test preparation guidance, test answers, etc., please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the WeChat official account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) for first-hand information and information. I wish you all success in preparing for the exam and getting the ideal IELTS scores as soon as possible!

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