Labels giving nutritional inf [...]

Labels giving nutritional information on food packaging

The third part of the fourth set of listening questions of Cambridge IELTS 13 consists of six single choices and two multiple-choice five choices. Although there is no new pattern in the question set routine, there are still some difficulties in doing it because synonym replacement is more flexible. Below are the answers to each question.

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Cambridge IELTS 13Test4Section3 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 13 test 4 section 3 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 13 Test 4 Section 3

Answer to question 21: A

Corresponding original: I've always had to check labels for traces of people in everything I eat because of my emergency. But beyond that I've never really been concerned enough to check how healthy a product is

Answer analysis: Before that, Jack just checks whether there are peanuts on the label. In addition, he has never paid much attention to the health of the product. That is, you will not read all the contents on the label, so you can determine that A is the correct answer.

Answer to question 22: A

Corresponding original text: I held to believe claims on packaging like 'low in fat' But I now realise that the ‘healthy’ yoghurt I’ve bought for years is full of sugar and that it’s actually quite high in calories

Answer analysis: Alice used to believe the content on the tag. But now I realize that the healthy yoghurt she has bought for several years is actually sugar with high calories. That is, Alice is not aware of the ingredients contained in a particular food, so she determines that A is the correct answer.

Answer to question 23: C

Corresponding original text: Yes, because unless you read the label really carefully, you wouldn’t know that the nutritional values given are for half a pizza

Answer analysis: The original text mentioned that the nutrient content of pizza is actually half a piece, not a whole piece. That is, its label is misleading. Therefore, C is the correct answer.

Answer to question 24: C

I'm not sure it's the easiest for people to use but at least you get the full story

Answer analysis: Jack said that although this labeling method is not the simplest, at least you can know the full picture of the product. The C option comprehensive corresponds to the full story in the original text to determine the answer.

Answer to question 25: B

Corresponding original text: JACK:  Yeah.  I don’t understand how they can get away with calling them chicken flavour when they only contain artificial additives.

ALICE:  I know.  I’d at least have expected them to contain a small percentage of real chicken

Answer analysis: Both students said that they did not expect that chicken essence did not contain any chicken ingredients, but only chemical additives. That is, the product does not contain any meat. Therefore, B is the correct answer.

Answer to question 26: A

That finds were not that inclusive and it was quite a small scale study

Answer analysis: These research findings are not so unquestionable, and their research scale is very small. That is, there is no clear result. From this, it is determined that option A is the correct answer.

Answer to question 27: B

Corresponding original text: I'd have thought it would have been comprehensive It seems ridiculous it isn’t

Answer: Jack thought this measure was mandatory, but in fact it was not. In the recording, the subjunctive mood is used to express the negative, so B is the correct answer.

Answer to question 28: C

And what I could not get over is the fact that it was broken in without enough consultation

Answer analysis: Alice said that what she could not accept was that the system had not been fully demonstrated before it was introduced. C option little research corresponds to without enough consultation, Introduction corresponds to be rough in, thus locking the answer.

Answer to question 29: D

Corresponding original text: But it's good to get feedback from all social economic groups

Answer analysis: option D is almost the reproduction of the original listening, as long as you keep up with the rhythm, it is not difficult to do.

Answer to question 30: E

But if they had already interviewed participants face to face, they could have used a much bigger sample size

Answer analysis: It is also about the subjunctive mood. The original said that if they did not use face-to-face interviews, their sample size could be larger. That is, they used face-to-face interviews. Therefore, E is the correct answer.

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Labels giving nutritional information on food packaging: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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