The Snow Centre The fourth set of questions for IELTS 13 listening [...]

The Snow Centre

The second part of the fourth set of IELTS 13 listening questions consists of 6 individual choices and 4 matches. Whether in terms of the way and difficulty of the test, or in terms of the combination of test types, it is very consistent with the characteristics of Section 2 of the current IELTS listening test. You can use it to check your accuracy.

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Cambridge IELTS 13Test4Section2 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 13 test 4 section 2 IELTS listening high frequency vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 13 Test 4 Section 2

Answer to question 11: A

There are marketed trails, but you can also leave these and go off on your own and that’s an experience not to be missed

Answer analysis: It is mentioned in the original text that although there are marked paths, you can also break away from them and slide by yourself. This is an experience that cannot be missed. That is, tourists are encouraged to leave the normal path, so that A is the correct answer.

Answer to question 12: B

Corresponding original text: If you want, you can have your own team for the afternoon and learn how to drive them

Answer analysis: The recording mentioned that if you want, you can build your own team in the afternoon and learn how to control them. That is, everyone has the opportunity to participate, so B is the correct answer.

Answer to question 13: A

Corresponding original: Participation rat than winning is the main focus, and   there’s a medal for everyone who takes part

Answer analysis: It is pointed out in the recording that participation rather than winning is the key point of this competition, and each contestant will have a medal. Therefore, A is the correct answer.

Answer to question 14: C

It's a long Ascent though not too steep, and walkers generally take a couple of days to get to the summit and return

Answer analysis: The gold mine only left a few traces, thus excluding A. Flowers and plants are only available in summer, so B is excluded. In option C, top is synonymous with summit, thus locking the answer.

Answer to question 15: A

Corresponding original text: That's included in your package for the stage  It’s got cooking facilities, firewood and water for drinking

Answer analysis: This question is simpler. Just take the options and compare them with several items listed in the original text. It is easy to determine that A is the correct answer.

Answer to question 16: B

In that case, stay in the hut – generally the storms don’t last long

Answer analysis: Option A is not mentioned at all. Option C can only be used in an emergency. The guide's advice is to stay in the cabin, and the snowstorm will not last for a long time. That is, wait for the weather to improve, and then determine that B is the correct answer.

Answer to question 17: B

This trail's been designed to give first times an experience they'll enjoy themselves of their age or skill

Answer analysis: Highland Trail is mainly suitable for people who ski for the first time, regardless of their skills and age. The B option all abilities corresponds to the degree of their age or skill to determine the answer.

Answer to question 18: D

But if you've fully mastered the techniques needed for hills, it's great fun

Answer analysis: For the pine trail, if you fully master the skills required for mountain skiing, it will be very interesting. That is to say, more powerful technology is needed, so D is the correct answer.

Answer to question 19: A

There's a shelter half way where you can sit and take a break and enjoy the after sunshine

Answer analysis: The advantage of Stony Trail is that there is a shed on the way, so tourists can sit and rest for a while and enjoy the afternoon sun. The A option stop and rest is synonymous with take a break, which is determined to be the correct answer.

Answer to question 20: E

If it's sleeping or windy, check with us before you set out to make sure the trail's open that day

Answer analysis: It is mentioned in the recording that if it snows or blows, you need to check with the organizer before starting to ensure that the path is open. The E option bad weather is synonymous with snoring or wind to determine the answer

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