Listening answer analysis of IELTS 12Test8Section2 visiting the sheepmarket area [...]

Listening answer analysis of IELTS 12Test8Section2 visiting the sheepmarket area

The second part of the 8th set of questions of the Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Comprehension consists of 4 single choice questions and 6 map questions. Among them, the difficulty of the multiple choice questions in the front is average, just at the normal level of Section 2, but the map in the back is slightly complicated, and will be lost if you are not careful. Below are the answers to each question.

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Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 12 Test8 Section 2

Answer to question 11: A

But now grades embarking on careers in the world of fashion and design are building up the new parts recently build here to replace the small houses where the market workers used to live

Answer: It is mentioned in the original that graduates who have just come into contact with the fashion and design industry will buy new apartments here. Therefore, A is the correct answer. The market is only very popular with nearby college students, who do not live here, and the local market employees are the main residents in the past, so B and C are excluded.

Answer to question 12: C

The arrow old side streets are great places for finding original pictures, jewellery and ceramics

Answer analysis: Side streets mainly sell original paintings, jewelry and porcelain, so C is the correct answer. Option A is in the restaurant, while option B is in the main streets, which does not meet the requirements of side streets in the question stem.

Answer to question 13: B

This year they 've been asked to design an output based on ideas from the music and technology that's part of their everyday life

Answer analysis: In option B, inspired by corresponds to based on ideas, and contemporary culture corresponds to everyday life, thus locking the answer. Option A is not mentioned at all. The original text does not clearly define that the materials must be local, so C is also wrong.

Answer to question 14: B

Corresponding original text: if you can present a receipt from one of the local stores, you’ll not be charged at all

Answer analysis: It is mentioned in the original text that parking is free if you can show the shopping receipt, so B is the correct answer. There is no mention of less than 1 hour in the recording, so A is excluded. For option C, the corresponding place cannot be found at all.

Answer to question 15: H

Corresponding original text: The Reynolds House is one of the oldest houses in the city, and is open to the public.  It’s on the north side of Crawley Road, next to the footpath that leads to the public gardens 

Answer analysis: Reynolds House is located in the north of Crawley Road, next to the path leading to public gardens, so H is the correct answer.

Answer to question 16: C

Corresponding original text: The Thumb‘ is just what its name suggests.  But it’s about 10 metres high.  You’ll see it on Hill Road, across the road from the Bank

Answer analysis: Thumb is located on Hill Road, opposite the bank, so C is the correct answer.

Answer to question 17: F

Corresponding original text: The Museum‘s got a particularly fine collection of New Zealand landscapes.  It’s on the east side of the Sheepmarket, on City Road.  It’s on the other side of the road from the public gardens, immediately facing the junction with Hill Road

Answer analysis: The recording describes the museum from multiple perspectives, namely, on the city road, to the east of the whole market; The other side of the public gardens; And opposite the Hill Road intersection.

Answer to question 18: G

Corresponding original text: The  Contemporary  Art Gallery is on a little road that leads off Station Square, not far from the public gardens.  The road ends at the gallery — it doesn’t go anywhere else

Answer analysis: Contemporary Art Gallery is located at the end of the path of Station Square, not far from the public gardens, so G is the correct answer.

Answer to question 19: I

Corresponding original text: The Warner Gallery specialises in 19th-century art.   It’s on City Road, near the junction with Crawley Road, on the same side of the road as the public gardens 

Answer analysis: Warner Gallery is located on City Road, near the intersection of two roads, and on the same side as Public Gardens, so I is the correct answer.

Answer to question 20: B

Corresponding original text:  Nucleus.   You need to go from Crawley Road up through Station Square and east along Hill Road until you get to a small winding road turning off.  Go up there and it’s on your right — if you get to City Road you’ve gone too far

Answer analysis: Although the description of this question is very complicated, the answer is B according to the information point of winding road.

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Cambridge IELTS 12Test8Section2 Listening Answer Analysis Visiting the sheepmarket area: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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