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Is there any IELTS test center in Suining? Answer: No, Brtish Council, the organizer of the IELTS test, has not set up an IELTS test center in Suining. Could be [...]

Is there any IELTS test center in Suining?

Answer: No, Brtish Council, the organizer of the IELTS test, has not set up an IELTS test center in Suining. It may be that the official thinks that the number of IELTS tests in Suining is not enough. The opening of the examination center requires a steady number of examinees to take the examination all the year round, so the current conditions are not allowed. However, students living in Suining and surrounding areas need not worry. Because you can still find IELTS test sites in Sichuan.

According to BC's official layout of IELTS test sites, Sichuan Province currently has four IELTS test sites. The details of the four IELTS test centers are as follows:

IELTS Test Center of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

IELTS Test Center of Southwest Medical University

IELTS Test Center of Xihua University

IELTS Test Center of Sichuan University

You can choose the appropriate test site to take the exam according to your living location, schedule and exam category. In addition, if you can register more than one month in advance, try to register early. Although there are many test sites in Sichuan, there are many examinees. Early registration can avoid the lack of test places in high stages.

 Is there an IELTS test center in Suining

see: Schedule of Sichuan IELTS Test

The above is the question and answer about "Is there an IELTS test site in Suining?" For more information about IELTS test preparation guidance and test answers, please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the WeChat official account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) for first-hand information and information. I wish you all success in preparing for the exam and getting the ideal IELTS scores as soon as possible!

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