Cambridge IELTS 12Test5 Listening Answers Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Part 5 Themes of these four parts are: family travel consulting, kitchen new staff training, [...]

Cambridge IELTS 12Test5 Listening Answers

The themes of these four parts are: family travel consultation, new kitchen staff training, research and discussion on public libraries, and four business values. In terms of question type, the first half of Section 1, Section 2, Section 4, and Section 3 of this set of questions are normal, but the second half of Section 3 is too fast, and it is easy to fall behind. After you finish, you can compare IELTS listening scoring criteria , see how many points you can get.

The following are the answers to the Cambridge IELTS 12 Test5 listening, and what you need to know about each part Listening to high-frequency words Answer analysis and Original recording:

Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 5 Section 1 Answer

1. mountains

2. horse

3. garden(s)

4. lunch

5. map

6. experience

7. Ratchesons

8. helmet

9. shops

10. 267

Cambridge IELTS 12Test5Section1 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 12 test 5 section 1 IELTS listening high frequency vocabulary

Cambridge IELTS 12Test5Section1 Listening Answers Analysis Family Excursions

Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 5 Section 2 Answer

11. A

12. A

13. C

14. C

15-16. AE

17. F

18. C

19. D

20. B

Cambridge IELTS 12Test5Section2 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 12 test 5 section 2 High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

Talk to new kitchen assistants

Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 5 Section 3 Answer

21. B

22. C

23. C

24. budget

25. employment

26. safety

27. insurance

28. diary

29. database

30. museum

Cambridge IELTS 12Test5Section3 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 12 test 5 section 3 IELTS listening high frequency vocabulary

Paper on Public Libraries

Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 5 Section 4 Answer

31. damage

32. side effects

33. bridge

34. confusion

35. smartphone

36. resources

37. unnecessary/not necessary

38. chocolate bar

39. problem

40. market share

Cambridge IELTS 12Test5Section4 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 12 test 5 section 4 High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

Four business values

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Cambridge IELTS 12Test5 Listening Answer: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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