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IELTS Oral Part2 Topic Card: Describe a law on environmental protection [...]

Spoken IELTS Part2 Topic card: Describe a law on environmental protection

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference only, and we hope you can write your answers according to your real experience

Law is an important part of our social life. However, since the vast majority of people in the society are good citizens who obey the law and discipline, they have not deliberately learned about specific relevant knowledge, let alone laws related to the environment. However, the good news is that we can learn about this topic before the exam, so we have enough time to search it. We can talk about the laws and regulations related to air pollution, water pollution, environmental noise pollution and construction project pollution. All you need to do is introduce a very specific field. Old Roast Duck suggested that students should first get the following questions to answer themselves, and then learn by referring to the original model text given by Old Roast Duck.


Describe a law on environmental protection

You should say:

What it is

How you first learned about it

Who benefits from it

And explain how you feel about this law

Reference answer

The following is the original reference answer given by the old roast duck editor according to the specific topic requirements:

please Beijing New Channel Shanghai New Channel Xiaozhan IELTS Acaso Foreign Teacher Network Baili Tianxia Studying Abroad as well as Intelligent course network Don't plagiarize the articles of this website again.

An environmental protection law that I particularly want to describe is the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes of China.

One environmental law I want to describe is China's Water Pollution Prevention Law.

I first learned about it from a piece of news I saw on the Wechat platform in 2014 when our government was advocating the notion of cherishing the water resource. You know, there’re more than 13 billion residents in China, and water resource per capita in our nation is only 1/4 of the world average, which makes it extremely difficult to solve the water-shortage issue, not to mention the water pollution. So, I guess that is the main reason why the government is so concerned about it. You know, preventing the limited water resource from severe pollution is key to ensuring people’s health and the holistic and sustainable development of our society.

I first learned about this law in 2014. I saw the relevant news on WeChat. At that time, the government was promoting the concept of protecting water resources. China has more than 1.3 billion residents, and the per capita water resources are only one fourth of the world's per capita water resources, which makes it difficult to solve the problem of water shortage, let alone control water pollution. So, I guess that's why the government is so concerned about this. Preventing serious pollution of limited water resources can ensure people's health and the overall sustainable development of society.

When the law was enacted, it immediately had a huge positive impact on the average household of China, and it still does. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, we don’t have tap water at home, and chances are that we might get diarrhea by accidentally drinking unfiltered water. But now, with stricter regulations and law enforcement, we no longer have to worry about drinking water safety. Plus, I assume it is also good for the government in the long term. The reservoir and canals in the city are cleaner, which would attract more visitors and yield more income.

When the law was implemented, it quickly had a positive impact on Chinese residents, which is still the case today. We don't have direct drinking water at home. If we accidentally drink unfiltered water, we may get dysentery. But now, with more strict regulations and enforcement laws, we no longer worry about the safety of drinking water. In addition, I think that in the long run, it is also very beneficial to the government. Reservoirs and canals in cities have become cleaner, which can attract more tourists and generate more income.

Well, I definitely feel content with the law as it not only improves our health but also makes our living environment better. And the only thing I am hoping for is that more and more people would obey it.

I am very satisfied with this law. Because it not only improves our health level, but also makes our living environment better. My only expectation is that more and more people can abide by it.

Part 3 Additional questions

Are there laws about education in China?

What kinds of rules do schools in China have?

What can teachers do to make students obey rules?

What should parents do to educate children about laws?

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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a law on environmental protection!


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