Cambridge IELTS 14Test4Passage3 Reading Answers Analysis Chelsea Rocheman Marine Garbage Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading [...]

Cambridge IELTS 14Test4Passage3 Reading Answers Analysis Chelsea Rocheman Marine Garbage

The 14 questions of the third article of the fourth set of questions for Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading consist of 7 TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN judgments, 6 notes filled in the blank, and 1 article title match. The overall difficulty is not very great, and there is no disorder. We can do it in order. Below are the answers to each question for reference.

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Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 4 Passage 3 Research on Marine Wastes

Cambridge IELTS 14Test4Passage3 Read the original translation Chelsea Rochman Marine debris

Cambridge IELTS 14 Test4 Passage3 Reading Answers

Original analysis of old roast duck, please do not copy

Answer to question 27: FALSE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 2: Plenty of studies have sound alarm bells about the state of marine debris

Answer analysis: In the middle of paragraph 2, it is mentioned that "many studies have warned about the status of marine garbage". It can be seen that many people have done this research before Rochman. The description of the first people in the question stem is inconsistent with this, so the answer is FALSE.

Answer to question 28: NOT GIVEN

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 3: For example, a study could show that certain seabirds eat plastic bags, and go on to warn that whole bird populations are at risk of dying out.

Answer analysis: The original text only mentioned that "a study shows that certain seabirds will eat plastic bags, and then warn the entire bird population that they are threatened with extinction". It doesn't say which kind of bird is the most threatened. In the question stem, most birds are created out of nothing, so the answer is NOT GIVEN.

Answer to question 29: FALSE

But the truth was that nobody had yet tested those perfectly

Answer analysis: To continue the previous question, previous studies have pointed out that birds are on the verge of extinction, but Rocheman said: "The fact is that so far no one has confirmed these cognitive threats". The description of "have already improved" in the question stem conflicts with the original statement that "nobody had yet tested", so the answer is FALSE.

Answer to question 30: TRUE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 4: Within each paper, they asked what threats scientists had studied -366 perceived threats in all

Answer analysis: The last sentence of paragraph 4 points out that "they explore the threats studied by scientists in each paper – there are 366 potential threats in total". In the question stem, different kinds of danger correspond to 366 persistent thoughts, and the rest are the subject words or phrases of the article, so the answer is TRUE.

Answer to question 31: FALSE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 5: In 83 percent of cases, the perceived dangers of ocean trash were proven true. In the remaining cases, the working group found the studies had weaknesses in design and content

Answer analysis: The original text pointed out that "in 83% of cases, the risk of marine garbage has been confirmed to be real. In the remaining cases, the working group found that the research had defects in design and content". It can be seen from the last sentence that 83% of the research designs should be no problem. The stem description is the opposite, so the answer is FALSE.

Answer to question 32: TRUE

Only one well designed study failed to find the effect it was looking for, an investigation of mussels ingesting microscopic plastic bits.

Answer analysis: At the beginning of paragraph 6, it is mentioned that "a well-designed study failed to find the impact it was looking for. This is an investigation on the intake of tiny plastic pieces by mussels". As can be seen from the description below, what he had expected was that mussels would be affected. The answer is TRUE.

Answer to question 33: NOT GIVEN

Corresponding original text: None

Answer analysis: The original text does not mention the eating habits of mussels, so the answer is NOT GIVEN

Answer to question 34: large

Corresponding to the original: Paragraph 8: Most of the dangers also involved large pieces of debris

Answer analysis: locate the sentence in paragraph 8 according to the previous line "metal or wood". It can be inferred from the stem grammar that the empty space should be filled with words that modify garbage, thus locking large.

Answer to question 35: microscopic

But a lot of ocean debris is' microscopic ', or pieces smaller than five millimeters... Rocheman's group found little research on the effects of these tiny bits

Answer: This topic mainly focuses on reference. At the beginning, we could easily lock tiny bits from the old roast duck IELTS according to the sentence structure article, but because the title requires only one word, we should go to the above to find its corresponding and lock the microscopic.

Answer to question 36: population

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 10: Many studies have looked at how plastic effects an individual animal, or that animal’s tissues or cells, rather than whole populations

Answer analysis: according to the sentence that the subtitle and individual animals locate to paragraph 10, the synonym of entire and whole is replaced, and the correct answer is population according to the modification relationship.

Answer to question 37: concentrations

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 10: And in the lab, scientists often use higher concentrations of plastic than what’s really in the ocean.

Answer analysis: Go down from the previous question, and locate this sentence according to plastic and lab. The question stem has not made any changes to the possessive structure, so it is easy to determine that concentrations are the correct answer.

Answer to question 38: predictors

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 10: None of that tells us how many birds or fish or sea turtles could die from plastic pollution – or how deaths in one specifications could affect that animal's predictors, or the rest of the ecosystem.

Answer analysis: follow the previous question, focus on the middle item according to the parallel relationship between the stem and the original text, and determine the predictors as the correct answer according to the possessive relationship.

Answer to question 39: disasters

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 11: Usually, scientists don’t know exactly how disasters such as a tanker accidentally spilling its whole cargo of oil and polluting huge areas of the ocean will affect the environment until after they’ve happened.

Answer analysis: according to the sentence that oil is positioned to paragraph 11, it is inferred from the question stem that a noun should be filled in the blank. After screening, it is found that the only words that meet the meaning of the question in the original text are disasters, so the answer is determined.

Answer to question 40: A

Answer analysis: After reading the original text, we found that the author mainly made a careful assessment of the various threats of marine garbage that people currently know. Therefore, A is the correct answer. The article does not discuss who should be responsible for this, nor propose solutions, nor call for international cooperation, so B, C, D are excluded.

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Cambridge IELTS 14Test4Passage3 Analysis of Reading Answers Chelsea Rocheman: There are currently 2 comments

  1. 0F

    Question 36 Can you fill in sea creation

    2023-02-03 10:34 [Reply]
    • Braised Duck

      No, on the one hand, sea creation is an adjective in the original text, and on the other hand, unprecedented modifiers are also not appropriate

      2023-02-04 12:18 [Reply]


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