The secret of staying young [...]

The secret of staying young

The 13 questions in the first article of the fourth set of questions for Cambridge IELTS 14 reading consist of 8 notes filled in the blank and 5 TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN judgments. The problem is not very difficult. But because there are many professional terms in the article, it may not be smooth to read. Below are the answers to each question.

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Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 4 Passage 1 Research on Aging through Ants

The secret of staying young

Cambridge IELTS 14 Test4 Passage1 Reading Answers

Original analysis of old roast duck IELTS, please do not copy

Answer to question 1: four/4

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 3: Giraldo focused on ants at four age ranges: 20 to 22 days, 45 to 47 days, 95 to 97 days and 120 to 122 days

Answer analysis: after the first two paragraphs, the article starts from the third paragraph to describe the research of Ysabel Giraldo. Therefore, we focus on the third paragraph. According to the focused on positioning, the original text clearly points out that there are four age groups, so the answer is 4.

Answer to question 2: young

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 4: Giraldo watched how well the ants take care of the young of the colony

Answer analysis: The research on ant behavior is mainly focused on the fourth paragraph. The synonym of look after and look care of in the question stem determines that the answer is young.

Answer to question 3: food

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 4: She compared how well 20-day-old and 95 day old ants followed the telltale scene that the elements usually leave to mark a trail to food

Answer analysis: according to the sentence of "scientific trail", the unprecedented word is "locate", that is, to find, locate and track something. In the original text, only "food" is filled in with appropriate semantics, so as to lock the answer.

Answer to question 4: light

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 4: She tested how ants responded to light

Answer analysis: The third research project is the response of ants to light, and the answer is light.

Answer to question 5: Aggressively

Corresponding to the original: And she experienced with how ants react to live ahead: a nearby fruit fly... And when it came to reacting to ahead, the older ants attacked the poor fruit fly just as aggressively as the young ones did

Answer analysis: according to prey, we first located the middle of the fourth paragraph, but there were no adverbs in this sentence that could be filled in the air, so we continued to search. At the end of the paragraph, we found a description of predation, which mentioned that old ants were as aggressive as young ants. Whether the word meaning or part of speech meets the requirements of the question, it is determined as the answer.

Answer to question 6: location

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 5: She saw no major differences with age, nor was there any difference in the location of the dying cells

Answer analysis: The relevant content of the ant brain mainly focuses on paragraph 5. After seeing the subtitle, turn your attention to this part. According to the first two sentences of paragraph 5 located by dyng cells, it can be seen from the stem structure that the space needs to be filled with a word that is parallel to age, so the location is determined as the answer.

Answer to question 7: nerves

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 5: She also wanted to see if aging effects the identity of synchronous complexes within these structures regions where nerves come together

Answer analysis: according to the sentence in paragraph 5 of the syntactic complexes, in which is synonymous with where, meet corresponds to come together, and the answer is nerves according to the sentence structure.

Answer to question 8: chemicals

Corresponding to the original text: the old ants did not experience any drop in the levels of either serotonin or dopamine - brain chemicals who decide of courses with aging

Answer analysis: according to the corresponding positioning of two words with serotonin and dopamine, they are both brain chemicals, so we can determine that chemicals are the correct answer.

Answer to question 9: FALSE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 2: Taken more rates can live for most 30 years and stay fit for near their entire lives

Answer analysis: The second sentence of paragraph 2 mentions: "Naked zokors can live for nearly 30 years, and the article comes from the old roast duck, IELTS, who has kept healthy throughout his life.". It can be seen that this kind of creature can also remain active for most their whole lives. The description of "Pheidole dentata is the only known animal" in the question stem is inconsistent with this, so the answer is FALSE.

Answer to question 10: TRUE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 3: Unlike all previous studies... her work tracked the ants from the time the pupae became adults, so she knew their exact ages.

Answer analysis: In the middle of paragraph 3, it is mentioned that "unlike all previous studies, she started tracking ants from pupae to adults, so she knew their exact ages". The first person in the question stem corresponds to like all previous studies, precise data about the insights' age corresponds to exact ages, that is, the main information points in the question stem can be found in the original text, so the answer is TRUE.

Answer to question 11: FALSE

Paragraph 4: Giraldo expected the older ants to perform poorly in all these tasks But the elderly insects were all good caretakers and trail-followers

Answer analysis: In the back of paragraph 4, it is mentioned that "Giraldo expects that the elderly ants will perform poorly in all tasks. But these elderly insects are excellent larval caregivers and trace trackers". It can be seen that the experimental results are not consistent with Giraldo's expectations, so it is judged that the stem is FALSE.

Answer to question 12: NOT GIVEN

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 6: Scientists have looked at some similar aspects in lies, but the results of recent bee studies were mixed

Answer analysis: The original text does mention the research on bees, but it only says that the experimental results are mixed, and it does not mention the content of research methods, so the answer is NOT GIVEN.

Answer to question 13: TRUE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 3: In the lab, P. dentata worker ants typically live for around 140 days

Paragraph 7: Out in the wild, the ants probably don’t live for a full 140 days thanks to predators, disease and just being in an environment that’s much harsher than the comforts of the lab.

Answer analysis: Paragraph 3 of the original text points out that P. dentata can generally live to about 140 days in the laboratory. Then the seventh paragraph mentioned that "in the wild, for various reasons, ants may not live for 140 days". It can be seen that the ants in the laboratory live longer, so the answer is TRUE.

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