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Is it difficulty for Chinese to express their [...]

Is it difficult for Chinese to express their feelings? Is it difficult for Chinese people to express their feelings?

The questions about part three of this oral English are general, and usually appear in the first question of the third part as the introductory question. As for the question: Is the behavior one way or another for a group? We don't have to wonder whether the real situation is like this. One thing you need to pay attention to is to keep your thoughts clear and express your thoughts completely. Exams are not graded based on facts.

Is it difficult for the Chinese to express their feelings?

Well, the way I see it, it is not that easy for most Chinese people to disclose their feelings. That’s probably because of the traditional cultural perspective where people assume being too expressive is not considered good conduct, which is quite different from most westerners who need their voice to be heard as much as possible to avoid things such as misunderstandings or even conflicts. This article is from Laokaoya website. You know, this unwillingness to show their true feelings sometimes makes Chinese people hard to deal with their colleagues or friends who are from other cultural backgrounds.

In my opinion, it is not so easy for Chinese people to express their feelings. This may be because of traditional culture. People think it is not a good behavior to express themselves too much. This is quite different from most western languages. Most Westerners need to let others hear their own voice as much as possible to avoid such situations as misunderstanding or conflict. Therefore, this reluctance to actively express their true feelings sometimes makes it difficult for Chinese people to get along with colleagues or friends with different cultural backgrounds.

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Is it difficult for Chinese to express their feelings? Is it difficult for Chinese people to express their feelings Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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