The concept of intelligence [...]

The concept of intelligence

The 13 questions in the first article of the third set of questions for Cambridge IELTS 14 reading consist of 3 paragraph information matches, 3 YES/NO/NOT GIVEN judgments, and 7 person name opinion matches. Although the article is long and somewhat abstract, the corresponding points of the title are very clear, which is not difficult to do. Below are the answers to each question.

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IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 3 Passage 1 Concept of Intelligence

The concept of intelligence

Cambridge IELTS 14 Test3 Passage1 Reading Answers

Answer to question 1: B

Corresponding to the original text: Section B: implicit themes of intelligence drive the way in which people perfect and evaluate their own intelligence and that of others

Answer analysis: At the beginning of paragraph B, it is mentioned that "the implicit theory of intelligence determines the way people perceive and evaluate their own and others' intelligence", and then the examples of parents, interviewers, and making friends are cited to illustrate. That is, how the non scientists' assumptions about intelligence affect the way they treat others, and thus determine the answer.

Answer to question 2: A

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph A: people all have unconscionable notes... of intelligence, but no one knows for certain what it actually is.

Answer analysis: Paragraph A mentions that "people have a subconscious concept of intelligence, but no one knows exactly what it is". That is, there is no clear definition of intelligence, so A is the answer.

Answer to question 3: D

Corresponding to the original: Segment D: an investment of implicit themes reserves little response between the extra implicit and explicit themes

Answer analysis: In the middle of paragraph D, it is mentioned that "research on implicit theory reveals the lack of correlation between existing implicit theory and explicit theory". The little response corresponds to the very different in the stem. In addition, the paper does not mention the relationship between implicit theory and explicit theory, so D is the correct answer.

Answer to question 4: NOT GIVEN

Corresponding original text: Segment B: For example, parents’ implicit theories of their children’s language development will determine at what ages they will be willing to make various corrections in their children’s speech

Answer analysis: Paragraph B does mention parents' judgment on children's language development, but does not mention that parents will be disappointed if their language development is slow. The question stem is made out of nothing, so the answer is NOT GIVEN.

Answer to question 5: NO

Corresponding original text: Section E: How these expectations difference is in part a function of culture

Answer analysis: Paragraph E mentions that "the difference in expectations of children is partly due to culture". Later, for example, people's expectations for children who receive Western education differ from those who do not receive such education. It can be seen that everyone's expectations are not the same. The description of the question stem is contrary to the original text, so the answer is NO.

Answer to question 6: YES

Paragraph J: they are like to miss the point of what others are saying when discussing their explicit subjects and their data

Answer analysis: The last paragraph of the article mentioned that "scholars may miss some points when discussing their explicit theories and data". Without fully understanding each other in the question stem corresponds to the original word miss the point, dissecus, that is, all the main information points can be found in the original text, so the answer is YES.

Answer to question 7: B

The Jeffersonian view is that people should have equal opportunities

Jefferson believes that people should have the same opportunity. The stem of the question just replaced equal opportunities with same possibilities in the original text, thus determining B as the answer.

Answer to question 8: C

Corresponding to the original text: Section I: In this view, we do not need or want any institutions that might lead to favoring one group over another.

Answer analysis: At the end of paragraph I, it is mentioned that "we do not need, nor do we want, any organization that favours a certain group". Where we do not correspond to no section of society, favoring corresponds to preferential treatment, at the expense of another corresponds to over another, and the whole paragraph I describes Jackson's views, so the answer is C.

Answer to question 9: B

Corresponding to the original text: Section H: People are rewarded for what they agree

Answer analysis: in the stem, gain benefits correspond to rewarded, and achieve corresponds to compliant. At the same time, paragraph H is mainly Jefferson's view, so the answer is B.

Answer to question 10: A

Corresponding original text: Section G: The Hamilton view... is that people are born with different levels of intelligence

Answer analysis: At the beginning of paragraph G, it is mentioned that Hamilton's point of view is that people's articles come from old roast duck IELTS students and have different levels of intelligence. Where different levels correspond to variation and born corresponds to at birth, so A is the correct answer.

Answer to question 11: A

Corresponding original text: Segment G: those who are less intelligent need the good offices of the more intelligent to keep them in line

Answer analysis: Paragraph G mentioned that "less intelligent people need the control of more intelligent people to ensure order". That is, smarter people should hold power. At the same time, paragraph G is mainly Hamilton's view, so it is determined that A is the correct answer.

Answer to question 12: C

Corresponding original text: Section I: The Jackson view is that all people are equal, not only as human beings but in terms of their competencies

Answer analysis: At the beginning of paragraph I, it is mentioned that "Jackson believes that all people are equal, not only as human beings, but also in ability". In the stem, every one corresponds to all people, and abilities corresponds to competences, so C is the correct answer.

Answer to question 13: A

Corresponding original text: Section G: Left to themselves, the unintelligent would create, as they always have created, a kind of chaos.

Analysis of the answer: The last sentence of paragraph G mentions that "people with low intelligence will cause chaos if they live and die by themselves, just as they have always done". Chaos corresponds to uncotrolled in the stem, plus paragraph G is Hamilton's point of view, so the answer is A.

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The concept of intelligence: There are currently 5 comments

  1. 0F

     :!: This article is difficult in 7-13

    2022-04-17 17:22 [Reply]
    • Ling Beichen

      It's also easy to do if you understand those three paragraphs

      2023-04-26 23:20 [Reply]
  2. 0F

    Test3 These three articles failed

    2023-03-14 10:46 [Reply]
    • six

      It's rare that I was defeated :eek:  :eek:

      2023-11-03 21:23 [Reply]
  3. 0F

    This article is difficult in 4-6. I can't find it!!!!!! :eek:

    2023-08-09 20:30 [Reply]


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