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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Will IELTS Spoken English Change Questions at the End of April? Yesterday, a student asked this question: At the end of April, the IELTS speaking test [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Will IELTS Spoken English Change Questions at the End of April?

A student asked this question yesterday: Will the content of the IELTS Speaking Test be changed at the end of April? This is a good question. Today, Old Roast Duck will give a unified explanation to this question. I hope it can help more students who are ready to take the oral exam at this time.

Answer: No, I won't change the question of IELTS Speaking at the end of April. The main reason is that the beginning month of IELTS oral question changing is January, May and September. For the problems in this period, the old roast duck has made a detailed analysis before, and you can refer to: When is the time to change the IELTS oral question Therefore, even for the little tail at the end of April who is about to change the question in early May, it will not be affected by the change of the question in oral English.

However, there is a small exception, that is, if your written exam is scheduled on April 29 and your oral exam is scheduled on May 8 (the probability is basically small), then your oral exam time may coincide with that of the first written exam in May. In this case, there is still a probability of encountering new problems. However, if the exam is held on May 1 (the time period when the students taking the written exam at the beginning of May have not yet begun to take the oral exam), Old Roast Duck believes that the probability of encountering new questions is not high.

In a word, we don't need to worry about it. We should be ready for the season IELTS Speaking Question Bank Try to consolidate the foundation, and you won't have to worry too much about this problem.

Related issues: How to change the question of IELTS oral English

The above is the question and answer about "Will IELTS oral English change at the end of April?", hoping to help more people with such doubts. For more information about IELTS exam preparation guidance, exam answers, etc., please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the WeChat official account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) for first-hand data and information. I wish you all success in preparing for the exam and getting the ideal IELTS scores as soon as possible!

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Will IELTS oral English change questions at the end of April?: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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