The Taylor Concert Hall IELTS 1 [...]

The Taylor Concert Hall

The fourth part of the second set of questions of IELTS 11 listening consists of 10 outline type blank filling questions. As a whole, the routine is reasonable and not too difficult. The main mistake is question 33. Below are the answers to each question.

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Cambridge IELTS 11Test2Section4 original listening

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 11 test 2 section 4 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 11 Test 2 Section 4

Answer to question 31: social

This includes its physical location, objectively, but it also includes the social  meaning of the building

Answer analysis: examine the juxtaposition relationship. In recent years, after speaking a coordinate element, IELTS listening often adds a sentence or phrase to explain it, and then adds the second coordinate element with a little attention.

Answer to question 32: factory

The location chosen was a site in a run down district that has been ignored in previous redevelopment plans It was occupied by a  factory  that had been empty for some years.

Answer analysis: The difficulty of this question is that the locator is too far away from the answer. Some students may fill in district as an answer, but it cannot form a semantic phrase with the preceding site, so it is excluded. The unprecedented word disused is synonymous with empty in the recording, thus locking the answer.

Answer to question 33: canal

But it was only one kilometre from the ring road The site itself was bordered to the north by a  canal which had once been used by boats bringing in raw materials when the area was used for manufacturing

Answer analysis: There are two difficulties in this question. First, many students are not familiar with the word "can", especially its pronunciation. Second, the interference of the ring road in front is too strong. It is easy to mistake only on ekilometre for synonymous replacement of Beside. However, after careful comparison, it is found that Bordered is indeed closer than 1km.

Answer to question 34: bridge

Corresponding original text: As people approach the entry, they therefore have to cross over a bridge 

Answer analysis: after hearing approach, we realize that the answer is coming. By is synonymous with cross over, and the answer is bridge. Some students may mistake water as the answer, but on the one hand, no words in the question stem have been mentioned when talking about water, and on the other hand, the meaning of water is not appropriate, so it is excluded.

Answer to question 35: box

The initial impression he wanted to create from the shape of the building as a whole was that of a  box

Answer analysis: This question is not difficult, and it is basically a question of giving points. The unprecedented word shape has not changed at all. It is easy to lock the box after hearing it.

Answer to question 36: screen

At night time, projectors are switched on and it functions as a huge screen , onto which images are projected

Answer analysis: The difficulty of this question is that it is too far away from the previous question and the positioning words. However, as long as you are patient, you should stop every sentence and screen every stressed word.

Answer to question 37: rubber

The floor's supported by ten massive pads These are constructed from  rubber

Answer analysis: after hearing floors realize that the answer is coming, make is synonymous with constructed from, so we can determine rubber as the answer and pay attention to the spelling.

Answer to question 38: curved

In order to improve the acoustic properties of the auditorium and to simplify the sound, they are not straight, they are curved

Answer analysis: It is similar to the previous question. Curved is obviously stressed. Just pay attention to the spelling.

Answer to question 39: curtains

There are nine movable panels in the ceiling above the orchestrata which are all individually motorized, and the walls also have curtains

Answer analysis: The same way as Question 31 is to insert notes between two parallel words to interfere with everyone's rhythm. In addition, curtains often appear in the rental scene, and you need to master the spelling.

Answer to question 40: international

In spot of Harrison's efforts to use local materials, they criticize the style of the design as being international  rather than local

Answer analysis: There is no difficulty. It belongs to the question of giving points. Be careful not to write local because of excitement.

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The Taylor Concert Hall: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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