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Answer analysis of IELTS spoken part 1: The name of Name has been updated in September 2022. The naming method in China is quite different from that in the West. We will have [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 1 Answer analysis of model text: Name

Updated in September 2022

The way of naming in China is quite different from that in the West. We will consciously avoid the names of other people in the family and try our best to be unique. Their names are often from their ancestors, the Bible, or other existing names, which are less original. You should pay attention to your answers.

Does your name have any special meaning? Does your name have any special meaning?

Yes, my family name is Jiang, which stands for big rivers, and my given name is che, which can be translated into clear or limpid. It is said that my father got inspiration from the river running through our village.

Yes, my surname is Jiang, which stands for the river, and my name is Che, which can be translated as clear or transparent. It is said that my father was inspired by the river that runs through our village.

How would you choose names for your next generation? How would you name your offspring?

I have never thought about it. After all, I am only 21 years old and still alone. But I guess I will take the trend, my parents’ advice, and the experience of my wife/husband and me into account to make it as unique as possible.

I never thought about it. After all, I am only 21 years old and single. But I guess I will consider the prevailing trend at that time, my parents' suggestions, and my wife/husband and my experience to make it as unique as possible.

Are there any differences between how Chinese name their children now and in the past? Is there any difference between the way Chinese people name their children now and in the past?

Yes, there are. Decades ago, Chinese people’s names tended to reflect the feature of the era. For example, when the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, they normally named their children Jianguo or Aiguo, which meant patriotism or the establishment of the country. This article is from laokaoya website. But now, Chinese parents prefer to turn to classic literature to find an appropriate name.

There are differences. A few decades ago, Chinese names tended to reflect the characteristics of the times. For example, when the People's Republic of China was founded, they often named their children Patriotic or Jianguo. But now, Chinese parents prefer to look for appropriate names in classic literature.

Does anyone in your family have the same name as you? Is there anyone in your family whose name is the same as yours?

No, I am pretty sure there is not. In Chinese culture, it is disrespectful to name your children after others. And according to my father, when he was considering my name, he had gone through all the names of my relatives to avoid repetition.

No, I'm sure not. In Chinese culture, it is impolite to give your child the same name as others. According to my father, when he was thinking about my name, he went over all the relatives' names to avoid repetition.

The following is the previous topic

Is it easy for you to remember people’s names? Is it easy for you to remember other people's names?

Yes, I think so. I have an excellent memory for people’s names. Once I heard them and repeated them several times, they would take root in my mind and barely fade away. I guess it is kind of a gift.

Yes, I think so. I have a good memory for people's names. Once I have heard them and repeated them several times, they will take root and sprout in my brain, which is difficult to disappear. I guess it's a gift.

How do you remember people’s names? How do you remember people's names?

Normally by association. You know, every Chinese character has a unique meaning. When I heard people’s names, I would try to establish an association between their embedded meanings and the qualities of their owners, which can effectively prevent me from forgetting them.

Usually through association. Every Chinese character has a unique meaning. When I hear people's names, I will try to establish a connection between their meaning and the quality of their owners, which can effectively prevent me from forgetting them.

How do you feel when people cannot remember your name? How do you feel when people can't remember your name?

Nothing, it is quite common. After all, not everybody is good at memorizing others’ names like me and they have their own business to mind. So instead of feeling offended, this article is from Laokaoya website, I would just tell them my name again and its meanings, hoping this can help them remember it.

Nothing special. It's very common. After all, not everyone is as good at remembering other people's names as I am, and they also have their own things to worry about. Therefore, I will only tell them my name and its meaning again, hoping that this will help them remember, rather than feel offended.

Do you often forget people’s names? Do you often forget people's names?

No, I do not. As I have said before, I have a talent in this regard. In fact, I can recall people’s names effortlessly even if we have no contact for years. It seems that once I met them or heard about them, their names would automatically pop out in my mind.

No, not at all. As I said before, I have talent in this field. In fact, I can easily recall people's names, even though we haven't been in touch for several years. As soon as I meet them or hear about them, their names will automatically appear in my mind.

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Answer analysis of IELTS Oral Part 1: Name Name: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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