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What do you think are the benefits of having [...]

What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together? What do you think are the advantages of eating together?

I think we can still have a lot of delicious food together. First of all, a dinner party can promote the relationship between family members or friends. In addition, sometimes I can get some inspiration from some short conversations during dinner. Maybe just talking about one or two things that happened in the world recently with friends can bring some ideas that can be implemented to my work project.

I think there are many benefits for me to eat together. First, it allows me to enhance the relationship with my friends or family members by chatting during mealtime. Plus, this article is from Laokaoya website, sometimes I can get some inspiration when I have some short conversations while eating together. You know, just one or two daily topics a bout what’s going on in the world with my friends can bring me something that can actually incubate some implementable projects for my work.

Related issues: Cooking by yourself?


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What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together? What do you think are the benefits of eating together Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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