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Analysis of the answer to the sample text of IELTS Oral Part 1: Trees trees related oral topics appear more frequently in the second part. Today, Part I [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 1 Analysis of answer to model text: Trees

Oral topics related to trees appear frequently in the second part. Now, the first part also involves. Although most of us have no experience of planting trees in our lives, we must have seen many such scenes on TV. As long as you have an impression, it doesn't matter if you learn from it. As for the types of trees, we can accumulate more before the exam. But after going to the examination room, don't get too tangled with unfamiliar words. Old Roast Duck suggests that when you see the following questions, you should practice them orally first, and then learn from the original answers given by Old Roast Duck.

Do you like planting trees? Why? Do you like planting trees?

Yes, I do. I actually enjoy planting trees quite a lot. I know it’s quite tiring most of the time as it requires a lot of energy. But, being able to work with teams to dig holes, erect trees, and wrap up all the stuff brings me a huge sense of achievement. You know, I would feel that I am a real environmentalist now.

Yes, I like it. I really enjoy the experience of planting trees. I understand that in most cases, planting trees is very tiring because it requires a lot of physical strength. However, working with the team to dig holes, erect trees, and pick up everything can bring me a great sense of achievement. I will feel that I am a real environmentalist.

What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country? How about your home town? What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country? What's the situation in your hometown?

Whether in the north or in the south of China, people prefer trees that have higher survival rates and adaptability because those trees are more cost-effective. For instance, this article is from Laokaoya website, they would plant Ginkgo trees as they have greater longevity and do not need much water. Well, people in my hometown also favor this kind of tree.

Whether in the south or north of China, people tend to plant trees with higher survival rate and stronger adaptability. Because these trees are cost-effective. For example, they will plant some ginkgo because it has a long life and does not need a lot of water. People in our hometown also like this kind of trees.

Have you ever planted trees? Have you ever planted trees?

Yes, I have. Two years ago, I participated in a Tree Planting activity held by our school’s Student Union. It had received a large sum of money from our University and needed some volunteers to help plant some trees on our campus. Well, it wasn’t an easy job. It took me nearly an hour to plant just one tree with my partner.

Yes, two years ago, I participated in the tree planting activity organized by the school students. The Student Union received a large amount of money from our university at that time, and then needed some volunteers to help us plant trees on our campus. This is really not an easy job. At that time, my partner and I spent nearly an hour to get a tree.

What kinds of trees do you plant? What kind of trees do you plant?

The only type of tree I have panted was Ginkgo, which I mentioned earlier. I planted some with my partners on our campus. They were not big in size when we put them in the holes. I guess the reason why they let us plant this type of tree was that they looked beautiful especially the tree leaves.

I have only planted one kind of tree, namely ginkgo tree, which was mentioned before. I planted it with my partners on our campus. When we put it into the pit, the tree was still small. I guess the reason why the school let us plant such trees is that they look good, especially their leaves.

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Answer analysis of IELTS oral part 1: Trees: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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