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Talk a plan/something you&# 82 [...]

Talk a plan/something you 've wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t done yet

Ideas (Chinese ideas are only for reference), effectively express P2 views according to effective ideas and integration of personal experience.

This topic should be relatively easy. Everyone has many things he wants to do but doesn't do. It can be a trip, a confession, or a play. It is also easy to find the reasons for not doing it, such as no money, no time, no one together, or too dangerous. The example given below is a restaurant that I have always wanted to try.

What it is

Statement: What I have always wanted to do but didn't do is try a restaurant near my company/school. It specializes in a dish called Dapanji. You need to fry chicken with soy sauce first, and then add potatoes and other ingredients to stew for half an hour.

Why you would like to do it

Explanation: The reason why I always want to try this store is that it is very famous and popular. Every lunch time, there are many people waiting in line outside. This makes me very curious about how delicious it is.

How easy or difficult it is to do it

Statement: To be honest, it's easy to try this hotel. You just need to wait in line for a while, at most not more than an hour, to taste. But (following the reason)

And explain why you haven’t done it yet

Explanation: But when I went to school/work, I was very nervous at noon. I am not allowed to wait in line patiently and enjoy this delicious food. After work/school, colleagues/classmates were eager to go home again, and no one went to eat together. I even asked the waiter whether they would provide food for one person. The answer is no. During the holidays, I was too lazy to run there, because the hotel was a certain distance from my home. All these reasons lead me not to eat this food so far.

Of course, when talking about some important things, for example, the examiner may give you a topic card to let you Describe an important letter you received (Click to view) Describe an important letter you received, which needs to be read carefully and prepared more.

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Topic Card of IELTS Speaking Season: Describe a plan/something you 've wanted to do for a long time, but haven't done yet: wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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