Cambridge IELTS 11PDF Download MP3 Listening HD Cloud Disk During the preparation of IELTS exam, the Cambridge IELTS real question series is the material that everyone must contact and practice carefully [...]

Cambridge IELTS 11PDF Download MP3 Listening HD Cloud Disk

During the preparation for the IELTS test, the Cambridge IELTS authentic question series is one of the materials that everyone must contact and practice carefully. The Cambridge IELTS authentic question set 11 (referred to as "Sword 11") is a topic in the last ten years, which has certain reference and practice value.

However, Old Roast Duck suggested that you practice from the decimal to the large number, for example, first practice Sword 10, then Sword 11, until the latest version. In addition, the title of the latest version can be done without any hurry. Because the number of questions is limited, you can leave the latest set of questions one month before the exam for military training. Comparatively, the real question is valuable, and there will be no more after practice.

 Sword 11 True Title PDF Version

The set of questions is divided into Academic and General parts. However, the contents of the Listening questions in these two parts are identical. The difference is reading and writing. If you don't understand the question very well in the process of doing the question, you can refer to the complete analysis, answers and original translation of the old roast duck teachers for the modified set of questions.

The listening guidance is as follows:

The original text and answers of IELTS 11 listening

The specific instructions are as follows:

Cambridge IELTS 11 Reading Answers

Analysis of Reading Answers of Cambridge IELTS 11

Cambridge IELTS 11 Reading Original Translation

Not much nonsense. The way to get the complete exercise set is as follows:

Download address: 4-12 Collection

The above is a detailed introduction to the Cambridge IELTS 11PDF download, hoping to help more students who are preparing for the exam. I wish you all success in preparing for the IELTS test and achieve your desired results as soon as possible!

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
Fixed link of this article: |Old Roast Duck IELTS - Focus on IELTS preparation

Cambridge IELTS 11PDF download MP3 listening HD cloud disk: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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