Laura's work placement Cambridge IELTS 10 [...]

Laura's work placement

The third part of the fourth set of listening questions of Cambridge IELTS 10 consists of two multiple-choice, two out of five multiple-choice and six matching questions. Although the previous multiple choice options are short, the synonym replacement settings are very sophisticated. If you are not familiar with the meaning of some words, it is easy to fail. There are many interference items in the later matching. You need to be very careful. Below are the answers to each question.

Click to view this IELTS Listening Corresponding Original recording And what needs to be mastered Key words

Cambridge IELTS 10Test4Section3 original listening

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 10 test 4 section 3 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 10 Test 4 Section 3

Answer to question 21: A

Corresponding original text: And I also got better at explaining things and asserting my opinions , because I had to have weekly consultations with the marketing manager and give him a progress report.

Answer analysis: Explaining things and asserting my opinions in the recording correspond to communication in option A, and better corresponds to improve in the question stem to determine the answer.

Answer to question 22: E

Corresponding original text: Do you think you got any better at managing your time and prioritising things

Answer: This question examines another meaning of organization: organization, organization (corresponding to organized, organized). It is synonymous with managing you time to determine the answer. Option B is not mentioned at all. The IT skills in option C are her own skills and have not been promoted. The marketing of option D is outsourced to others, which has nothing to do with Laura. Therefore, all are excluded.

Answer to question 23: B

Corresponding original text:  Oh, yes.  I worked it out—-  it would have been 250 per cent more

Answer: This question uses the way of antonymous replacement. The recording said that it would cost more if someone else was invited. That is to say, I saved my own expenses, which is the answer.

Answer to question 24: C

Corresponding original text: The new brochure looks really professional;    it enhances the image of the company straight away

Answer: The original audio recording mentioned this booklet will directly enhance the company's image. In option C, improved corresponds to enhance, and the original word image appears to determine the answer. The updates in option A do not correspond to the original text. Option D is a long-term benefit and does not meet the requirements of immediate in the question stem, so does option E. Therefore, all are excluded.

Answer to question 25: D

Corresponding original text: Actually,  they’ve got copies in the  psychology  department

Answer: Women said they could download it directly from the website, but men chose to go to the psychological college to get one. Therefore, D is the answer.

Answer to question 26: F

Corresponding original text: One of the career officers would be better , they’ve got more knowledge about the jobs market than your personal tutor would have.

Answer analysis: This question is corrected by others, which is very common in IELTS Listening Section 3. The male first proposed to ask the tutor, but the female thought that the employment office staff would be better. Then the male agreed to this proposal, and determined that D was the answer, not E.

Answer to question 27: G

Corresponding original text:  They told me at the careers office that it’s best to be  proactive , and  get updates yourself by checking the website for new placement alerts Your  mentor  is supposed to keep you informed, but you can’t rely on that.

Answer analysis: both website and mentor are mentioned in the recording, but there is a negative after mentor, so it is excluded and G is the correct answer.

Answer to question 28: B

Corresponding original text: But it is the company who notifies you if they want you to go for an interview.  You get a letter of invitation or an email from personnel departments 

Answer analysis: Men said they would contact the company directly, but women denied it. He said that he would receive an email from the Human Resources Department, so B was determined as the answer.

Answer to question 29: E

Corresponding original text:  Right…  So, once you’ve had an interview you should let your  mentor know what the outcome is ?   I mean whether you’re offered a job, and whether you’ve decided to accept it?

Answer analysis: the male should tell the mentor in a questioning tone, and then the female should answer that is right, so that E is the answer.

Answer to question 30: C

Corresponding original text: Only once you’ve accepted an offer you’ll probably have to supply a reference, because the placement will be conditional on that.  And  that’s something you should ask your own tutor to provide

Answer analysis: there is no interference item set for this question, and it is directly mentioned that you need to find a tutor for a recommendation letter, so C is the answer.

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Laura's work placement: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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