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Famous last words? The three words in this phrase are relatively simple. Translate them [...]

Famous last words?

The three words in this phrase are relatively simple. The literal meaning of the translation is: famous/famous last words. So, what is the meaning behind it?

Origin of expression : This expression originated in World War II (probably in the 1940s), and people have been using it since then. Throughout history, many people have made some heroic words, such as this is the war to end all wars I think this war can solve all the war problems. But in fact, not all such statements are correct. Even, at the beginning, people will regard it as a joke and think it is stupid. People generally call such behaviors as "fame last words of history", which was later abbreviated as "fame last words"

meaning : nonsense; A sarcastic reply to those stupid statements

example sentence

Today, Mr. Bernanke is the Fed’s chairman — and his 2002 speech reads like famous last words.

Today, Bernanke is the chairman of the Federal Reserve - his 2002 speech reads like nonsense.

“I think I can make it” is on the list of famous last words.

"I think I can do it" is the most famous last words in flight.

View and learn more: Authentic expression of IELTS spoken language

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