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Jilin University IELTS test site address change notice Old Roast Duck IELTS latest report: received from the British Council and the Ministry of Education [...]

Notice of Address Change of IELTS Test Center of Jilin University

The latest report of the old roast duck IELTS: received the latest news from the British Council and the Ministry of Education Examination Center, IELTS Test Center of Jilin University The examination venue address will be changed from January 2021. The specific changes are as follows:

The new address is: Heping Campus of Jilin University, Xinzhu Road, Lvyuan District, Changchun City, Jilin Province.

Please log on to the IELTS registration website according to the printing time of your test admission card published on the website to print and read your test admission card carefully in advance, so as to ensure that you are aware of the relevant exam arrangements and participate in the exam on time. If you have any questions, please call IELTS customer service hotline To ask for help.

The following specific addresses are for reference:

Examination venue: Science Lecture Hall of Heping Campus of Jilin University, Xinzhu Road, Lvyuan District, Changchun City, Jilin Province (written examination), the fifth student apartment (oral examination). Please enter from Gate 4.

Traffic routes: Take LRT Line 3 from the railway station, get off at Furongqiao Station, and then transfer to No. 226 bus to the Peace Campus Station of Jida; Or walk 900 meters from the railway station to the Sun City, and take bus No. 109 to the Peace Campus Station of Jida; Or take bus 226 from the People's Square to the Peace Campus Station of Jida.

The above is a detailed report on the "Jilin University IELTS test site address change notice". More learning content about IELTS can visit the official website of Old Roast Duck anytime and anywhere for in-depth study. At the same time, you are also welcome to follow the old roast duck public account (WeChat search "old roast duck") to obtain exclusive first-hand test preparation materials and test information. I wish you all success in preparing for the IELTS test and achieve your ideal results and offers as soon as possible!

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Jilin University IELTS test site address change notice: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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