Cambridge IELTS 10Test2 Listening Answers Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Set II Topics The themes of these four parts are: traffic and transportation street survey, the latest in a city [...]

Cambridge IELTS 10Test2 Listening Answers

The themes of the four parts of the second set of topics of IELTS 10 listening are: traffic and transportation street survey, the latest changes in a city, Thor Heyerdahl's life introduction and contributions, and the latest development trends in management. In terms of question type, Section 1 and Section 4 are blank filling, Section 2 is a combination of single choice and matching, and Section 3 is a combination of single choice and multiple choice, which are very close to the current exam. After you finish, you can compare IELTS listening scoring criteria , see how many points you can get.

The following are the answers to the Cambridge IELTS 10 Test2 listening, and what you need to know about each part Listening to high-frequency words Answer analysis and Original recording:

Cambridge IELTS 10 Test 2 Section 1 Answer

1. Hardie

2. 19

3. GT8 2LC

4. hairdresser

5. dentist/dentist’s

6. lighting

7. trains

8. safe

9. shower

10. training

Cambridge IELTS 10Test2Section1 original listening

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 10 test 2 section 1 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Cambridge IELTS 10Test2 Listening Section1 Answer Analysis Transport Survey

Cambridge IELTS 10 Test 2 Section 2 Answers

11. A

12. C

13. C

14. A

15. E

16. F

17. D

18. H

19. A

20. B

Cambridge IELTS 10Test2Section2 original listening

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 10 test 2 section 2 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Cambridge IELTS 10Test2 Listening Section2 Answers Analysis New city developments

Cambridge IELTS 10 Test 2 Section 3 Answer

21-22. BC

23-24. BE

25. A

26. C

27. C

28. A

29. B

30. A

Cambridge IELTS 10Test2Section3 original listening

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 10 test 2 section 3 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Cambridge IELTS 10Test2 Listening Section 3 Answers Analysis Thor Heyerdahl

Cambridge IELTS 10 Test 2 Section 4 Answer

31. competition

32. global

33. demand

34. customers

35. regulation

36. project

37. flexible

38. leadership

39. women

40. self-employed

Cambridge IELTS 10Test2Section4 original listening

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 10 test 2 section 4 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

The future of management

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Cambridge IELTS 10Test2 Listening Answer: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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