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What are the words that describe the rising trend? We are often asked to describe the rising trend of a certain data. Some students because of [...]

What are the words that describe the rising trend

IELTS Writing The essay often asks us to describe the rising trend of a certain data. Because of their limited vocabulary, some students can only think of rise over and over again, which leads to the repeated appearance of the word in the answer, lowering their scores on vocabulary. Besides rise, what other words can be used to describe rise. Today, Xiaobian, the old roast duck, will summarize with you.

1. rise 

Example: Oil exports have risen  steadily

Oil exports are rising steadily

2. increase

Example: Party membership has increased  by more than 4 , 000, 000 since then

Since then, the number of Party members has increased by more than four million.

3. grow/growth

Example: University student enrollment has grown by nearly 50% and the number of universities has doubled since 2002

Since 2002, the number of college students has increased by nearly 50% and the number of universities has doubled.

4. soar

Example: the use of water soared in March

The use of water rose sharply in March.

5. leap

Example: the prices leapt  by 90% in one year

The price can only jump 90% in a year.

6. climb

Example: population climbed to over one million by 1980

By 1980, the population had grown to more than one million.

7. rocket

Example: use of cars rocketed in the first decade

The use of automobiles grew rapidly in the first ten years.

8. surge

Example sentence: a surge of migration is seen in November

November witnessed a substantial increase in the number of immigrants.

It should be noted that there are differences in the degree of existence of these words:

Soar and Rocket both represent significant growth. The growth trend described by Rocket is more abrupt. It is not necessary to use adverbs to modify the degree when using these words.

Leap indicated a sharp and sudden increase. It also doesn't need adverbs to modify.

Climb is relatively neutral. When used alone, it means that the growth is relatively flat. But you can use adverbs to express different degrees.

Rise/increase/row are just simple descriptions of growth. You need to use adverbs to further clarify the extent of growth.

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What are the words that describe the rising trend? Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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