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Oral IELTS Part 3: Do older people or young people prefer ex [...]

Part 3: Do older people or young people prefer exercising in the public place?

Which of the elderly and young people prefer to go to public places to exercise?

It seems a bit hard to say. As far as I know, from the people living around me, I think the elderly prefer to go to public places to exercise. Why? Because old people have more leisure time than young people. These young people are either busy with their work or busy with their study. If they exercise, they would rather finish it at home.

It’s kind of hard to say which group of people are more keen on exercising. To my knowledge, judging by those people living around me, I should say, it’s the older people. Why? Becuase they got more free time to do to so compared with those youngsters who are either busy with their work or studies, they would probably like to do some exercise at home.

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Part 3: Do older people or young people prefer exercising in the public place? Which of the elderly and young people prefer to exercise in public places?: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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