Cambridge IELTS 9Test4 Listening Section2 Answers Analysis Water heater

Cambridge IELTS 9Test4 Listening Section2 Answer Analysis water heater

The second part of the fourth set of questions for listening in Cambridge IELTS 9 consists of three figure examples, five matching questions, and two blank filling questions. The difficulty of matching questions and blank filling questions is slightly lower than that of the current exam. However, the frequency of the above examples in the real exam is very low, almost every two years. Its practice is not too different from the map question. Below are the answers to each question.

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IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 9 test 4 section 2 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 9 Test 4 Section 2

Answer to question 11: B

The first one – the round one on the far left – is the most important one for the heating and hot water It’s the main control switch. Make sure it’s in the ‘on’ position.

Answer analysis: Hear that round places his eyes on the three buttons in the first row, and hear that far left confirms that he is talking about question 11, so lock the main control switch and confirm that B is the answer.

Answer to question 12: C

Corresponding original text: Below the heating controls in the middle is a small round plastic button If there isn’t enough water in the pipes, sometimes the heater goes out. If this happens you’ll need to press this button to reset the heater

Answer analysis: This question is far from the previous one, so it needs some patience. When you hear below the heating control, you can confirm that you said 12 questions, and then judge C as the answer according to the reset below.

Answer to question 13: E

Corresponding original text: Then there's a little square indicator under the third knob that’s a kind of alarm light . It’llflash if you need to reset the heater.

Answer analysis: After hearing under the third button, I realized that the article came from the old roast duck IELTS, which said question 13. In the original text, alarm light is synonymous with warning indicator, so E is the answer.

Answer to question 14: B

Corresponding original text: If you look in the cupboard, the large white one upstairs – to the left of the bathroom door

Answer analysis: the difficulty of this question mainly lies in the pronunciation of cupboard. After being changed into a compound word, oar in the board no longer sounds/ɔːː/, but instead sounds/əə/, which will cause some difficulties in word recognition.

Answer to question 15: E

And if you want to do some washing,  there’s some powder for that… probably by the back door. There’s a kind of shelf there above the sink

Answer analysis: This question is relatively simple. After hearing the back door and shelf, you can confirm that E is the answer. Some students may be disturbed by the following sink and choose G by mistake. However, the recording says under rather than above, which is ruled out.

Answer to question 16: D

And that notes me the spare key to the back door is hanging on a hook on the wall by the sitting room window

Answer analysis: This question first said back door, which may make people doubt the answer to the previous question. But then I said "sitting room" and "window", from which I determined that D was the answer.

Answer to question 17: A

And if you have any trouble with the lamps, you'll find some spare bulbs in a large cardboard box. It’s on top of the washing machine

Answer analysis: This question is relatively simple, without any interference items or phonetic difficulties. According to the box and washing machine, you can confirm that A is the answer.

Answer to question 18: C

Corresponding original text: I’ve left you a local map , so you’ll be able to find your way around easily. It shows the whole area. I put it in the top drawer of the chest under the TV in your bedroom.

Answer: Many students will choose F by mistake. On the one hand, it is because the drawer of the chests is relatively weak, and on the other hand, it is also because the interference of TV is too strong. However, the recording says "under", not "on the top of" F ", so it is excluded.

Answer to question 19: 732281

But if you want a takeaway, the Italian one does really good paste and pizza. Call 7-3 double 2-8-1

Answer analysis: This question has a interference item of Chinese food at the back. However, the confusion is not strong, as long as you focus on the stem.

Answer to question 20: Thursday

The exhibition is small but really good It gets very crowded on Sundays, so I suggest you visit it on a quieter day, later in the week, but not on  Thursdays which is market day you won’t find anywhere to park and it’s also the only day of the week when they’re not open!

Answer analysis: There are two dates mentioned in the recording, Sundays and Thursdays. The former has more people, while the latter is the day when the door is closed. It is not too difficult as long as the qualifications in the question stem are well observed.

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Cambridge IELTS 9Test4 Listening Section2 Answer Analysis water heater: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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