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Name is mud? Name is a word that everyone is familiar with, while mud means mud, slime [...]

Name is mud?

"Name" is a word that everyone is familiar with, while "mud" means mud and slime, and it can also refer to dark food. So, what exactly does name is mud mean? In the vocabulary column of this issue, Old Roast Duck will explain the origin and meaning of this expression to you, hoping to help you improve your ability in vocabulary expression.

Origin of expression: This expression originated in England in the 17th century. At that time, mud was actually a slang expression of stupid person, fool. In the 18th century, people in the British Parliament often said His name is mud to express the disreputable meaning of members of Parliament.

Meaning: When a person is in trouble, he is notorious and disgraced.

example sentence:

All he’s trying to do is to throw mud at my name.

All he did was to blacken my name.

These days, Blair’s name is mud on the eastern side of the Atlantic.

These days, Blair's name is notorious on the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

View and learn more: Authentic expression of IELTS spoken language

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Name is mud!


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