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How about the computer science major of York University? How about the IELTS score requirements? How about the computer science major of the University of York [...]

How about the computer science major of York University? What are the IELTS requirements

Computer Science at the University of York is a three-year full-time undergraduate program. Students can also choose to spend more than one year on internship.

Introduction to Computer Science

The computer science major of York University covers a wide range of contents and rich principles, laying a solid foundation for students in theory and practice, and helping them solve practical problems.

Students will study systems at different levels of abstraction, including digital hardware architecture, low-level programming, operating systems, intelligent systems, compilers and high-level languages, learn how to design systems based on customers, understand the power of data, and build intelligent systems that learn from data.

The courses of this major are designed by the Industrial Advisory Committee so that students can adapt to work well. At the same time, it has also been certified by the British BSC and IET, and students can be exempted from some qualification examinations.

Professional Courses of Computer Science

Compulsory courses in the first academic year include:

  • Theory 1: Foundations of Mathematics for Computer Science
  • Theory 2: Formal Languages and Automata
  • Software 1: Foundations of Programming for Computer Science
  • Software 2: Object Oriented Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Systems and Devices 1: Introduction to Computing Systems
  • Data 1: Introduction to Data Science
  • Human Computer Interaction 1: Introduction to User Centered Design

Compulsory courses for the second academic year include:

  • Theory 3: Computational Complexity
  • Software 3: Functional Programming with Applications
  • Systems and Devices 2: System Software and Security
  • Systems and Devices 3: Advanced Computing Systems
  • Data 2: Data Analysis and Management
  • Human Computer Interaction 2: Interaction Design
  • Intelligent Systems 1: Search and Representation
  • Intelligent Systems 2: Machine Learning and Optimization
  • Engineering 1: Introduction to Software and Systems Engineering

Compulsory courses for the third academic year include:

  • Individual project graduation design
  • Systems and Devices: Networking

IELTS requirements for computer science majors

Students applying for the computer science major at York University need to achieve a total IELTS score of 6.5 and a score of no less than 6.0 in the four items of listening, speaking, reading and writing. What is IELTS 6.5? How difficult is IELTS 6.5

Tuition for computer science

International students, including Chinese students, are required to pay 22650 pounds per year.

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