Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Listening Section3 Answer Analysis Advice on exam preparation Cambridge IELTS [...]

Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Listening Section3 Answer Analysis Advice on exam preparation

The third part of the fourth set of listening questions of Cambridge IELTS 8 consists of two multiple-choice, two single choice and four flow chart filling. This is the only flow chart in the Cambridge IELTS series to fill in the blank so far, and we should cherish it.

Click to view this IELTS Listening Corresponding Original recording And what needs to be mastered Key words

Cambridge IELTS 8Test4Section3 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 8 test 4 section 3 IELTS listening high frequency vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 8 Test 4 Section 3

Answer to question 21: B

My parents had been saying that as I already had a job, I should to support myself through college But in the end they took pity on me, so now I ’ve just about got enough

Answer: It was mentioned in the recording that at first his parents thought he had already worked and didn't want to give him money, but later they pitied him and money was enough. It can be seen that parents finally gave money. Therefore, B is the answer.

Answer to question 22: E

So then I asked the boss of the company I used to work for if they would sponsor me, and much to my surprise,  he said they ’d make a contribution

Answer analysis: It was mentioned in the recording that he asked whether the former employer of the article from IELTS Old Roast Duck would be willing to provide financial support. To his surprise, he was willing to make some contributions. It can be seen that the employer has also given money, so E is the answer.

Answer to question 23: A

Corresponding original: I enjoyed singing when I was at school, so I joined a group when I came to college I don ’t think the conductor stretches us enough

Answer analysis: In the recording, not stretches us enough can be literally translated as not pulling us to the limit, that is, not giving full play to our potential, corresponding to the "not substantially challenged" in option A, to determine the answer.

Answer to question 24: C

And I also joined the bargaining society It’s fun, but  with all the rehearsing I ’m doing, something has to go

Answer analysis: The reason for leaving the debate association is that there are too many rehearsals and we must give up something. That is, time is not enough, so C is the answer.

Answer to question 25: B

Corresponding original text: it's quite interesting, but I wonder if I ’m clever enough  to be doing this course.

Answer analysis: It is mentioned in the recording that the man doubts whether he is smart enough to attend the seminar, that is, he thinks he may be inferior to others, so he determines B as the answer.

Answer to question 26: C

Corresponding original text: She gives me lots of feedback and advice so I ’ve got much better at writing essays. And she’s helping me plan my revision for the end-of-year exams 

Answer analysis: In the recording, the woman mentioned that her tutor gave her a lot of feedback and suggestions, so that she could improve her thesis writing. She also helped her make a review plan. A and B are far from the original description, only C is more appropriate.

Answer to question 27: priorities

Corresponding original text: Then you can sort out your revision  priorities ,  based on what’s most likely  to come up. I put these on a card, and read them through regularly.

Answer analysis: according to the prompts of then, make sure that the recording comes to question 27. The original word "your" appears, and the revision is advanced in the recording, so it is determined that the following priorities are the answer.

Answer to question 28: timetable

But that isn't enough in itself You also need a  timetable , to see how you can fit everything in, in the time available.

Answer analysis: according to the hint of but, realize that the recording has reached question 28. The unprecedented word "make" does not have a good correspondence in the original listening text, so we can only filter it according to the condition of nouns, and find that only the time table is suitable as the answer.

Answer to question 29: (small) tasks

Corresponding original text: Maybe you need to do something different every day, so if you "break down your revision into small tasks

Answer analysis: This question can be located by the rhythm of the question and answer. Break, revision and into all appear in the original words in the recording. It is easy to determine that the answer is small tasks.

Answer to question 30: (single) paragraph

And as I revise each topic I write a single paragraph  about it

Answer analysis: And indicates that the answer is coming, and the synonym of "single" and "one" in the stem determines that the answer is "paragraph".

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Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Listening Section3 Answer Analysis Advice on exam preparation: There are currently 2 comments

  1. 0F

    Hello, teacher. I divided the timetable of question 28 into two words. Can I still score?

    2022-07-28 21:50 [Reply]
    • Braised Duck

      This is not good, there is no point

      2022-07-29 16:05 [Reply]


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