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On October 17, 2020, the answer of the mainland IELTS test today seems to be nothing unusual, not on the hot search, and not particularly worthy of people's complaints. But [...]

October 17, 2020 Mainland IELTS Answers

Today's exam seems to be ordinary, not on the hot search, there is nothing particularly worthy of people to complain about. However, it is worth mentioning that the third article we read in this exam is also the content of the original IELTS reading test. This is the second time this month. The students who have done it before must be happy in the examination room. Students interested in this material can click the following link to view: The original question of IELTS reading test

In addition, our IELTS listening prediction also hit the second part. So far, the hit rate is close to 60%, and there is no refund (true refund, true refund). At present, there are 24, 25 and 31 day predictions, which are only applicable to the paper and pencil type examinations in mainland China. Interested students can click the following link for details: Prediction of IELTS Listening Test for Roast Duck

IELTS Listening

Part 1 Book a birthday party

Scene: The lady calls her husband to reserve a place for the party

Type: Fill in the blank

1. work number: 55533 and four hundred and eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty-four

2. Date: 27th April

3. location: Museum Avenue

4. Maximum ninety-three persons

five cold drinks

6. main dish: chicken and fish

7. No nuts

8. need a table cloth, paper napkins and silverware

9. need a birthday cake

10. the hotel will offer additional flowers

Part 2 Sri Lanka Assistance

Question type: matching+single choice

11-15 Matching

11.  B

12.  B

thirteen A

14.  C

15.  A

16-20 single choice

16. What kind of job in the zoo:

B. washing elephant

17. What problem when she first arrived there:

C. being ill

18. Activities with friends on weekend:

B. coach tour to coast area in someday

19. Volunteers divided into groups based on:

A. the same interest

20. The result of being the volunteer:

B. being proud of achievement

Part 3 answer is temporarily unavailable

Part 4 Urban upgrading

Type: Fill in the blank

thirty-one furniture

thirty-two insurance

thirty-three services

thirty-four schools

thirty-five cycling

thirty-six traffic

thirty-seven jobs

thirty-eight campus

thirty-nine retail

forty office

Oral part of IELTS

September to December 2020 IELTS Spoken Machine Manual IELTS Spoken Part 1 Model

From September to December 2020, answer to IELTS Oral Part 2

IELTS Reading

Chapter 1: Detective novel

Chapter II: Urbanization of Animals

Part III: Soviet Factory

IELTS Writing

Short composition: broken line chart+histogram

Big composition: discuss the views of both sides

Some people think that the country should broadcast more good films and TV programs abroad, while others think that the country should produce more films and programs of our own, discuss the views of both sides, and then give your own opinions.

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
Fixed link of this article: |Old Roast Duck IELTS - Focus on IELTS preparation

On October 17, 2020, the answer to the IELTS test in Mainland China hit Part 2. The original question of reading reproduction materials: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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