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Women lead the society - whether IELTS writing agrees or not - society governed by female lead [...]

Women lead the society - IELTS writing consent or not - IELTS composition model society governed by female leaders

This IELTS Writing The essay asks us to explore an important viewpoint of feminism, that is, the society led by women will be more peaceful. If we agree with this point of view, we can start from the character of women and talk about their patience and non violence. If we do not agree with this view, we can focus on the fact that the occurrence of conflict has nothing to do with gender.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Throughout history, male leaders always lead us to violence and conflict. If a society is governed by female leaders, it will be more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

From the historical perspective, male leaders always lead us into violence and conflict. If a society is led by women, it will be more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Sample Essay of IELTS Writing

Opening paragraph

Most of the countries in the world are led by men, only a few countries are governed by women. I personally think that whether a government or leadership brings violence or peace has nothing to do with the gender of the leader.

Most countries in the world are led by men, and only a few countries are ruled by women. Personally, I believe that whether the government or the leadership brings violence or peace has nothing to do with the gender of leaders.

Main section 1

It is generally believed that women have a gentler personality than men in the way they act. But, it does not guarantee that if a woman leads a country or a society, they can prevent conflicts, clash or violence from happening because a leader is not the only party causing or triggering conflicts. In running her government and taking a decision or a policy, a female leader cooperates with and discusses a lot with many other parties so I do not think that her mother figure will come first in dealing with various complicated problems her government is facing. Instead, she can not give priority to her feminine feeling (caring, loving, affecting, etc) in policymaking. A leader, either female or male, needs to take action in accordance with the situation. That is why I believe that the gender of a leader makes no difference in this issue. Many countries like Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan were governed by female leaders and yet the conflict and violence increased during their time and this is a clear indication that a female leader cannot guarantee a peaceful society.

It is generally believed that women are more gentle than men in their behavior. However, this cannot guarantee that if women lead a country or society, they can prevent resistance, conflict or violence, because leaders are not the only party that causes conflict. A female leader will cooperate and discuss with many other political parties when he is in power and making decisions or adopting policies. Therefore, I don't think her mother image will rank first when dealing with various complex problems faced by the government. On the contrary, she cannot give priority to her female feelings (care, love, influence, etc.) in the decision-making process. Leaders, whether women or men, need to act according to the situation. That's why I think the gender of leaders has no influence on this issue. Countries such as Bangladesh, India and Pakistan are led by women, but violence and conflict have increased during their reign. This obviously means that female leaders cannot guarantee a peaceful society.

Main section 2

Moreover, conflicts often happen because of inability or bad leadership skill of a leader in running his or her leadership. In any country, the incapability of leaders, regardless of their gender, causes many problems leading to the unsatisfactory of people and the decrease in people’s trust level to the government, both of which are likely to result in chaos, clash, and conflict. I am convinced that everyone will agree that capability and leadership skill have nothing to do with gender. It is ridiculous to judge that men have a better capability in leading an organisation than women, or vice versa. Besides, the success and the failure of an organisation or a government are determined not only by the leader but also the staffs and the cabinet. No matter how capable the leader is, he or she will not be able to execute his or her government programs to bring prosperity for his or her people and to satisfy them if he or she does not have a good team.

Moreover, conflict is often caused by the incompetence of leaders. In any country, regardless of gender, the inability of leaders will lead to many problems, resulting in people's dissatisfaction and reduced trust in the government. Both situations can lead to confusion and conflict. I firmly believe that everyone will agree that competence and leadership skills are independent of gender. It is absurd to conclude that men lead an organization better than women, and vice versa. In addition, the success or failure of an organization or government depends not only on its leaders, but also on its employees and cabinet. No matter how strong the leadership is, if he does not have an excellent team, he cannot implement the project that can bring prosperity to the people.


In conclusion, the ability of a country to avoid and prevent conflict and violence depends on the capability of the leader, regardless of gender, to run the country. It is not wise to say that men with their masculinity bring violence and none can guarantee that women with their femininity will be able to bring peace for people.

In short, a country's ability to avoid and prevent conflict and violence depends on the ability of leaders (regardless of gender) to run the country. It is unwise to think that masculinity brings violence. No one can guarantee that femininity can bring peace to people.

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