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IELTS Preparation for Listening 8 test 4 section 3 IELTS listening high-frequency vocabulary Today we will study the IELTS Preparation for Listening article [...]

IELTS Preparation for Listening 8 test 4 section 3 IELTS listening high frequency vocabulary

Today we IELTS Preparation Listening To study 8 test 4 section 3. In terms of question type, this part is composed of 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 single choice questions and 6 flow chart blank filling questions, which seems a bit messy, but it may appear in the exam. However, the flow chart is one of the few test questions in the last two years. This is the only question on Cambridge IELTS 4-12. You can get familiar with it. From the perspective of scenarios, this article discusses many topics. First, I talked about the tuition fees, then talked about various associations, then turned to the evaluation of courses, and finally discussed the methods of reviewing examinations. It basically covers all common scenarios of IELTS listening section 3. The High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening It is worth summarizing.

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Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Listening Section3 Answer Analysis Advice on exam preparation

High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

Grant grant. Occasionally, I will answer, and more often, I will find a word in the original listening text or on the stem of the question. It is synonymous with fund or money.

Council. The preferred words of IELTS listening section 2 are usually used with city to represent the Citizen Committee.

Interfere interference. It doesn't appear as an answer, just because everyone knows the meaning.

Demanding physically. It often appears in the options of IELTS listening multiple-choice questions, and is often used to indicate that an activity requires high physical strength. It has nothing to do with physics.

Priority. There are many words in the latest books of Cambridge IELTS, which may gradually increase the frequency of articles from the old roast duck IELTS in future exams. I hope you will pay more attention.

Review. It was once used as the answer to the blank filling question in a section 3 of the book of opportunity. Everyone should pay attention to the meaning and spelling.

Paragraph. I learned a word very early, but it is easy to make spelling mistakes. I hope you don't relax your vigilance.

Scholarship. Frequent visitors to IELTS listening section 3. It usually appears in the question stem or the original listening text as a hint, but sometimes it can also be used as an answer.

Drama drama. It is possible to find a word in any part of IELTS listening, but fortunately, the spelling and pronunciation are very simple, so you can pay attention to it.

Concert. Similar to drama, they are common test words for IELTS listening, and they are more frequently used as answers.

Tutorial. It does not appear in blank filling questions, but it is often used as an option for multiple choice questions. You should pay attention to the difference between it and tutor.

Timetable schedule. A word often examined in the IELTS listening section 3 blank filling. Be careful not to write them separately.

On the whole, this section 3 is a little difficult. Many synonym substitutions in the second multiple choice question are very rare, and it is easy to fail to respond. The answer in the following flow chart is not difficult, but the form is relatively new, and it is easy to lose when doing it for the first time. We should sum up the routine of their questions.

The above is the content of today's IELTS listening preparation. I hope it can be summarized IELTS Listening High frequency vocabulary can help everyone.

IELTS Preparation for Listening 8 test 4 section 1 IELTS listening high frequency vocabulary

IELTS Preparation for Listening 8 test 4 section 2 IELTS listening high frequency vocabulary

IELTS Preparation for Listening 8 test 4 section 4 IELTS listening high frequency vocabulary


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