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On August 29, 2020, as the last IELTS test before the question changing season, the answers of the mainland IELTS test are all normal in listening, reading and writing today, [...]

August 29, 2020 Mainland IELTS Answers

As the last IELTS exam before the question changing season, today everything is normal in listening, reading and writing, and there is nothing worthy of being blamed, which is not in line with BC's habit of doing things. According to the memories of the online examinees, the old duck editor collated the answers of the IELTS test for your reference.

In addition, a new question bank will be used for IELTS oral English since September. Students who do not know much about changing questions can click the following article to check: Common sense of changing questions in IELTS speaking in September 2020

IELTS Listening

Part 1 Tourism Information

The multiple choice answer is ABG, others are temporarily unavailable

Part 2 answer is temporarily unavailable

Part 3 Course Selection

Question type: fill in the blank+single choice+match

21-22 Fill in the blank

21. feedback… photocopy of ***

22. the lecturer will give a handout

23-25 single choice

23. what does the woman think is important?

A. topic-relevant part

24. what does the man think is hardest

B. understanding theory

25. why does the lecturer think to make some notes briefly when you are reading a passage is important?

C. go back for reference

26-30 matching questions

Benefits of the course

26. statistics of social science: Be helpful for mathematics

27. quantitative method: Practical examples

28. pure mathematics: Take less time than other courses

29. basic of the economy: The last year students

30. dissertation planning: Good tutor

Part 4 Plant Dyes

Type: Fill in the blank

31.  soil

thirty-two drought

thirty-three land erosion

thirty-four corn

thirty-five candles

thirty-six leaves

thirty-seven digestion

thirty-eight carbon dioxide/CO2

thirty-nine wildlife

forty global warming

IELTS Reading

Part I: Course Selection and Introduction to Different Courses

Part II: Experts' Research on Egyptian Stone Carving

Chapter 3: Sound Madness

IELTS Writing

Short composition: bar chart+table

Big composition: discuss the views of both sides

Some people think it is more beneficial to play sports that are played in teams, e.g. football. And some people think individual sports, e.g. tennis and swimming,   is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Answer to the mainland IELTS test on August 29, 2020: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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