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What sorts of jobs need people to work in a t [...]

What sorts of jobs need people to work in a team? What kind of work needs people to do in the team?

This question is usually the introductory question of the oral topic card on topics related to people, work or teams. The difficulty coefficient of this question is moderate, and candidates are required to state their own views on the nature and conditions of work. There are many kinds of work that need to be done in a team. Therefore, Old Roast Duck suggests that you don't have to limit your own thinking, but can combine your own cognition and reasoning to complete the discussion, focusing on clearly expressing your own views. It is suggested that you still think about the topic for a few seconds, and then give yourself a minute to answer it orally. Finally, learn and practice by referring to the original answers given by the old roast duck.

Generally speaking, jobs that require varied professional skills should be done in a team. You know, we individuals are not well-rounded. So, this article is from Laokaoya website, it would greatly improve the working efficiency and quality if different team members equipped with specific skills were together to accomplish the tasks of a job like this.

On the whole, what needs various professional skills should be completed in the team. As far as we are concerned, we are not omnipotent. Therefore, if team members with specific skills can complete tasks together, it will greatly improve the efficiency and quality of work.

Click Back to view the topic card: Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people

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What sorts of jobs need people to work in a team? What kind of work needs people to do in the team?: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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