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Answers to IELTS Spoken Part 1: Newspaper Do you often read newspaper [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 1 Analysis of answer to model text: newspaper

Do you often read newspapers?

Do you often read newspapers?

I don’t read newspapers quite a lot. Because I get little time to sit down and read something that is printed out and sent to my house. But, if there’s something monumental happened, I would definitely buy one at the stall to read it and then keep it as one of my favorite collections.

I don't read newspapers very often. Because I don't have much time to sit down and read some words that have been printed and delivered to my home. However, if something special and memorable happens, I will definitely go to the stall to buy a newspaper to read and then use it as my collection.

Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?

Which do you prefer, magazines or newspapers?

It’s hard to tell which one is my most favorite. Because these two things are all irrelevant to my daily lives. But if I have to choose, I would say it’s the magazines that I fancy the most. I don’t want to buy newspapers and get my hands dirty after reading those words printed out by some wet ink.

It's hard to say that it's my favorite. Because newspapers and magazines have nothing to do with my daily life. But if I have to choose, I think I prefer magazines. I don't want to leave ink stains after reading the newspaper.

What kinds of (types of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?

What kind of magazines/newspapers do you often read?

I usually read some magazines that are correlated with business. I’ve been working for many years since graduation, so it’s not the school things that I care but some business issues like the fluctuation of the bitcoin value that really interests me.

I usually read some magazines related to business. I have worked for many years after graduation, so I don't care much about school. On the contrary, I am more concerned about some business related news, such as the fluctuation of the value of Bitcoin.

How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?

When did you first start reading newspapers?

Can’t remember very clearly, but, I guess it’s around 10 years old or so. At that time, we were required by our Chinese teacher to read some articles in the school’s newspaper and write our own conclusion after reading it.

I can't remember clearly. I should be about ten years old. At that time, our teacher asked us to read some articles in the school newspaper and then asked us to write some impressions.

Do you think it’s important to read newspapers? (why?/why not?)

Do you think it is important to read newspapers?

I think it’s important to read newspapers. Because reading newspapers can bring us a lot of detailed information about the issues happened from home and abroad. This article is from laokaoya website. Plus, it’s really beneficial for the development of our reading skills.

I think it's important to read newspapers. Because newspapers can bring us a lot of details of events at home and abroad. In addition, reading newspapers can also help improve our reading ability.

Why do (you think) people read newspapers?

Why do people read newspapers?

I think the main reason is that people need to get some detailed information about something happened recently. It’s a little bit different from those on our phone. As we can see, words that are printed out seem to be more formal and explicit.

I think the main reason people read newspapers is that they can get the details of recent events. It is different from the news we see on mobile phones. The printed text is more formal and detailed.

What different types of newspapers are there in China.

What kinds of newspapers are there in China?

There’re many types of newspapers in China. As far as I know, there are newspapers that are run by the government like the People’s Daily, which is all about the political issues, and some local newspapers that are mainly about various things happened among ordinary citizens.

There are many types of newspapers in China. At present, I know, for example, the People's Daily run by the government, about various political news. Another example is the local newspaper, which deals with all kinds of things about ordinary people.

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Answers to IELTS Spoken Part 1: Newspaper Newspaper: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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