Cambridge IELTS 8Test1 Reading Passage1 Answer Analysis A Chronicle of Timekeeping Record [...]

Cambridge IELTS 8Test1 Read Passage1 Answer Analysis A Chronicle of Timekeeping Records the history of time

The 13 questions in the first article of the first set of questions in Cambridge IELTS 8 reading are composed of 4 paragraph information matching questions, 4 character invention matching questions, and 5 figure filling questions. The overall difficulty is not too great. In particular, filling in the blank with the figure behind is almost giving points. Below are the answers to each question.

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The history of time record of Cambridge IELTS 8 test 1 passage 1

Cambridge IELTS 8Test1 Reading Passage1 Translation of the original A Chronicle of Timekeeping History of Time Records

Cambridge IELTS 8 Test1 Passage1 Reading Answers

Answer to question 1: D

Corresponding to the original: Segment D: they could not always be depended on in the cloud and often free weather of northern Europe

Answer analysis: The last sentence of paragraph D mentions that they are not always reliable in the often cloudy and cold weather in northern Europe. In the question stem, early timekeeping innovation corresponds to them, affected corresponds to not always be depended on, and cold temperatures corresponds to freedom, so as to determine the answer.

Answer to question 2: B

Corresponding to the original: Paragraph B: for those living near the equation in particular... In more northern clients, however, where seasonal agriculture was practised

Answer analysis: Paragraph B describes different timing systems according to different geographical locations. The equator is more dependent on the moon, while the northern region is more dependent on the sun. That is, the importance of geographical location in the development of agricultural group calendar. This determines the answer.

Answer to question 3: F

Corresponding to the original text: Segment F: By the 16th century, a pendulum clock had been devised

Answer analysis: It is easy to choose G for this question, but paragraph G mainly describes the improvement of the pendulum clock, not the invention. Instead, the origin is mentioned at the end of paragraph F. Devised corresponds to origins to determine the answer.

Answer to question 4: E

The schemes that divided the day into 24 equal parts varied according to the start of the count: Italian hours became at sunshine, Babylonian hours at sunrise, astronomical hours at midday and ‘great clock’ hours, used for some large public clocks in Germany, at midnight

Answer analysis: It is mentioned in this sentence that although a day is divided into 24 hours, the starting time of different countries is different. The specific country and organization structure names in the original text correspond to different societies in the stem, and 24 equal parts correspond to uniform hours, so as to determine the answer.

Answer to question 5: B

Corresponding original text: Section C: the Egypt had formed a municipal calendar having 12 months of 30 days

Answer analysis: The original text mentioned that the Egyptians invented a kind of civil log, which lasts for 12 months a year, and every month is 30 days. That is, the months are equal in length. Therefore, the answer is B.

Answer to question 6: F

Corresponding original text: Segment E: or French hours, which split the day into two 12-hour periods commencing at midnight.

Answer: As mentioned in the original text, the French way of timing divides a day into two 12 hour periods, starting at midnight. Two 12 hour periods correspond to two equal halves, so the answer is F.

Answer to question 7: D

Corresponding original text: Segment G: and thus led to the development of a new floor standing case design

Answer analysis: This sentence is located according to the correspondence between the new cabinet shape and the new floor standing case design in the question stem. But there is no country nearby. We can only expand the scope of search. It is found that England is mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph, and there is no change in the description object in the subsequent text, so the answer is D.

Answer to question 8: A

Corresponding original text: Section A: the Babylonians became to measure time, introducing calendars to co-ordinate communal activities, to plan the shipment of goods and, in particular, to regulate planting and harvesting.

Answer analysis: in the question stem, public events correspond to public activities, work schedules correspond to plan the shipment of goods, and regular planning and harvesting. Babylonians are explicitly mentioned in the original text to determine the answer.

Answer to question 9: (ship's) anchor/(an/the) anchor

Corresponding original text: Segment G: It was called the anchor escape, which was a lever-based device shaped like a ship’s anchor.

Answer analysis: according to the 1670 of the title, position it to paragraph G, and the synonym of reassembling and like in the question stem is replaced, so the answer is ship's anchor.

Answer to question 10: (escape) wheel

The motion of a pentium rocks this device so that it catches and then releases each tooth of the escape wheel

Answer analysis: From the figure, we can guess that the answer to question 10 should be a word similar to gear. The answer is eacape wheel

Answer to question 11: tooth

Corresponding original text: Same as above

Answer analysis: 11 blank is part of the gear. According to the original text, the answer is "tooth".

Answer to question 12: (long) pendulum

Corresponding original text: Section G: this invention allowed the use of a long pendulum which could beat once a second

Answer analysis: according to the word "beat", the sender of the action "beat" should be filled in the question stem. According to the subject predicate relationship, "long pendulum" is the answer.

Answer to question 13: second

Corresponding original text: Same as above

Answer analysis: each modifier is empty, corresponding to once in the original text. According to the modifier relationship, the answer is second.

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Cambridge IELTS 8Test1 Read Passage1 Answer Analysis A Chronicle of Timekeeping: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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