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Reasons for Learning a Foreign Language - IELTS Writing Discuss Both Perspectives - Reason for Learning a Foreign Language

This IELTS Writing The essay asks you to explore the reasons for learning a foreign language. One side holds that learning a foreign language is just for traveling or working in another country, while the other side holds that it is more than that. The former is easy to demonstrate, while the latter allows us to talk about the culture contained in the language and the way of thinking it represents. Old Roast Duck has collected a related high score model essay for your reference.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that the only reason to learn a foreign language is to travel or work in another country. Others believe that people learn foreign languages for more than this reason. Discuss the views of both sides and give your own opinion.

Sample Essay of IELTS Writing

Opening paragraph

Learning a foreign language has many advantages including gathering knowledge of diverse cultures, better job prospects, faster cognitive development, effective communication skills and so on. While some people believe that only reason we should learn a foreign language is to visit or work in a foreign country, many others opine that the benefits of learning a different language are not limited to the job and travel prospects only.  This essay delves with both points of views.

Learning a foreign language has many advantages, including collecting knowledge of various cultures, better job prospects, faster cognitive development, effective communication skills, etc. Although some people believe that the only reason why we should learn a foreign language is to visit or work abroad, many others believe that the benefits of learning another language are not limited to the prospects of work and travel. This paper discusses two views.

Main section 1

On the one hand, it is quite natural that people want to learn a foreign language only to be able to communicate with people who speak this language. Thus a large number of people learn foreign languages like English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Arabic either to visit/migrate or find jobs in countries where people use these languages. From this regard, it seems quite logical that visiting a country or working there is the main reason people learn a second language. In my country, most of the people learn English and Spanish while almost none learn Russian. Migration and job prospects are the reason that has established this trend, I believe.

On the one hand, it is very common for people to learn a foreign language just to communicate with people who speak it. As a result, many people learn English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and other foreign languages in order to visit/emigrate or find jobs in countries where these languages are used. From this perspective, it seems logical that visiting a country or working there is the main reason for people to learn a second language. In our country, most people learn English and Spanish, while few people learn Russian. I believe that migration and employment prospects are the reasons for this trend.

Main section 2

On the contrary, research indicates that cognitive development happens faster among children who learn a second language than those who do not. Furthermore, learning a second language is mandatory in an academic syllabus and this helps us understand diverse cultural and traditional aspects. People who know more languages are capable of reading more books, and understanding the lifestyle of different nationalities. Again, learning a foreign language helps us make new friends. Thus it is evident that learning a foreign language has many other benefits as well.

On the contrary, research shows that children who learn a second language have faster cognitive development than children who do not learn a second language. In addition, the syllabus requires us to learn a second language, which helps us understand various cultures and traditions. People who know more languages are able to read more books and understand the lifestyles of different nationalities. Similarly, learning foreign languages can help us make new friends. Therefore, it is clear that learning a foreign language has many other benefits.


In conclusion, there is no denying the fact that people primarily learn a foreign language to travel to or work in a developed country. But it is quite evident that there are far more advantages of learning a foreign language than to work or migrate to a country.

In short, it is undeniable that people learn foreign languages mainly to travel or work in developed countries. However, it is clear that the advantages of learning a foreign language are not limited to working or emigrating to other countries.

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