Dissemination Tutorial Record ([...])

Dissemination Tutorial Record (Education)

The third part of the second set of listening questions of Cambridge IELTS 6 consists of 10 blank filling questions, which is a relatively rare question type in Section 3 of the current exam. It is not too difficult, and I feel that it is not worthy of the title of Section 3. So if the accuracy rate is especially high after you finish it, please don't be proud. Below are the answers to each question.

Click to view this IELTS Listening Corresponding Original recording And what needs to be mastered Key words

Cambridge IELTS 6 test 2 Section 3 original listening

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Comprehension 6 test 2 section 3 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 6 Test 2 Section 3

Answer to question 21: catalogs

And what I decided to do was to look through catalogues specialising in IT.

Answer analysis: This question uses the method of word order reversal to put the unprecedented prompt word "IT" behind the answer to test everyone's short-term memory ability. In addition, the word catalogs is easy to make mistakes in both British and American spelling, so we should pay great attention to it.

Answer to question 22: computer center

Corresponding original text: Jane Prince Do you know her? She’s in the Computer Centre

Answer analysis: After Jane Prince's name is mentioned in the recording, the answer is directly reached, and the unprecedented prompt word head is put behind. It may appear a little sudden, but the computer center reads heavily, and the words are relatively simple. Most students can write them out.

Answer to question 23: checklist

Corresponding original text: And, of course, the second target was to draw up a survey checklist which I…

Answer analysis: The word order is also reversed, but this question puts the blank survey in front of the answer. As long as you pay attention to this word when reading the question, the question becomes simpler.

Answer to question 24: teaching experience

But in section three you really do need to have questions on teaching experience .

Answer analysis: after hearing the prompt section three, I realized that the answer was coming. The unprecedented preposition on was not replaced, so it was easy to lock teaching experience.

Answer to question 25: classroom

Corresponding original text: I'm afraid I didn't manage to get hold of the messages about classroom management

Answer analysis: The way of setting the question is still to reverse the word order, putting unprecedented management behind the answer, but because it is still close to the answer, it is not difficult to lock the position. The difficulty lies in the turbidity of r in the classroom, which makes it difficult to recognize words.

Answer to question 26: review

Corresponding original text: Well, I’d go for something like Context Review

Answer analysis: the context has not changed at all, so it is easy to determine the answer. The only difficulty is that the word review may not be familiar to students with ordinary vocabulary.

Answer to question 27: schools

I'd be quite interesting to have a feed more statistics about the schools in the different zones.

Answer analysis: Compared with the question stem, the sentence structure in the recording has almost no change, just replaced "add" with "a few more". In addition, the words "schools" are relatively simple, and the difficulty of the topic is not great.

Answer to question 28: 2000

I think you should aim to cite more works written later than two thousand

Answer analysis: after in the stem is replaced with later than in the original text. However, many students will speculate that the blank is filled with a specific date (because there is a date) when they look at the question, so they are not sensitive when they hear 2000 and miss it.

Answer to question 29: end of term

Corresponding original text: it's not urgent Um I should aim for the end of term .

Answer analysis: As with the previous question, the main difficulty lies in the misleading speculation when reading the question. Many students thought it would be such a vague time point to fill in a specific date or a few minutes in the blank, and then they could not respond.

Answer to question 30: research

My advice would be to get it done before you embark upon the research .

Answer analysis: Although many students are not clear about the synonyms of starting and embark upon, it is easier to determine the answer when the original word before appears and research is stressed.

Answers to Section 1 of IELTS 6Test2 Listening

Answers to Section 2 of Cambridge IELTS 6Test2 Listening

Answers to Section 4 of Cambridge IELTS 6Test2 Listening

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Cambridge IELTS 6Test2 Listening Section3 Answer Analysis Dissemination Tutorial Record: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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