Social history of the East End [...]

Social history of the East End of London

The fourth part of the first set of listening questions of Cambridge IELTS 6 consists of seven forms to fill in the blanks and one 7-choice 3-choice multiple-choice. Because the table gives a clear time, it is relatively easy to locate the general position of the answer. However, the replacement range of sentence structure is relatively large in the recording, and the answer words are not clearly read, so it is still difficult to determine the specific answer words. Below are the answers to each question.

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Cambridge IELTS 6 test 1 section 4

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Comprehension 6 test 1 section 4 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 6 Test 1 Section 4

Answer to question 31: feed

Corresponding original text: consistent of farmland with laps and livestock which helped to feed  that population.

Answer analysis: The locative word 1st-4th century is far from the answer, which adds a lot of difficulty to the question. The key to solving the problem is to judge in advance that what is filled in the blank should be a verb, and identify the synonymous replacement of people and population in time.

Answer to question 32: metal leather

The technology they introduced mean that metal and leather goods were produced there for the first time.

Answer analysis: locate paragraphs according to 5th-10th themes, and locate specific sentences according to technology. The two words in parallel need to be filled in on the stem. Just pay attention to the parallel structure when listening. However, there will be some difficulties in spelling words.

Answer to question 33: restrictions

The East End needed from this, and because there were fewer restrictions there than in the city itself

Answer analysis: according to the 11th century, locate the general paragraph, according to the East End locator article from the old roast duck IELTS sentence, and the synonym of "lake of" and "feeder" in the title stem is replaced, so the answer is restrictions.

Answer to question 34: ships

In the context of the first dock was dug where ships were constructed

Answer analysis: locate specific sentences according to the 16th century, and synonymously replace building and constructed in the question stem, so the answer is ships.

Answer to question 35: England

And in the late context, when much of the rest of England was suffering economically, a lot of agricultural workers

Answer analysis: Hear and in the late context century and realize that the answer is coming. Other parts are synonymous with rest, so the answer is England.

Answer to question 36: build

Corresponding original text: so marshland was drained and built on to house the large numbers of people now living there.

Answer analysis: I heard that Marshland and drained realized that the answer was coming. From the grammatical structure of the question stem, we can infer that the empty space should be filled with a verb. In addition, the original word of the word on appears above the sky, so the answer is build.

Answer to question 37: power

The vast majority of people live in extreme poverty and suffered from appalling sanitary conditions.

Answer analysis: after hearing that people and live confirm that the answer will appear soon, the great and extreme words in the question stem will be replaced, and the answer will be "polarity".

Answer to question 38: F

Corresponding original text: Houses were crowded closely together and usually very badly built , because there was no regulation.

Answer analysis: It should be noted that the original text of multiple choice questions is generally not in the order of the options, so you need to read all the options when doing the questions.

It is mentioned in the original text that because there are no regulations, the houses are crowded together and the construction is poor, corresponding to the poor standards of building in option F.

Answer to question 39: C

Corresponding original text: Few houses had electricity at this time, so other sources of power were used, like coal for the fires which heated perhaps just one room.

Answer analysis: It was mentioned in the original text that because few houses had electricity at that time, only fuels such as coal could be used. This can only warm one room. It can be seen that there is a big problem in heating. This determines that C is the correct option.

Answer to question 40: E

Corresponding original text: A tiny, damp, unhealthy house like this might well be occupied by two full families, possibly including several children, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

Answer analysis: The original text specifically describes the degree of housing crowding. A small, damp and unhealthy house may have two families, including several children, grandparents, uncles and aunts. That is, overcrowding, so E is the answer.

Answers to Section 1 of IELTS 6Test1 Listening

Answers to Section 2 of Cambridge IELTS 6Test1 Listening

Answers to Section 3 of Cambridge IELTS 6Test1 Listening

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Social history of the East End of London: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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