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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a memorable story told by someone [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a memorable story told by someone

Ideas: The following ideas are for your reference. I hope you can write your answers according to your real experience.

This topic has two ideas: First, my friend, relatives or parents told a strange and tortuous story. The development of this story is beyond the expectation of ordinary people, and it is very fascinating. Its advantage is that it is true enough and not easy to repeat the answers of other candidates. But its shortcomings are also obvious. The first is whether your language ability can control this story. Don't tell a particularly good story simply because of language limitations. The second is the time limit. This kind of story is usually very long. Can you finish it in two minutes?

The second idea of this topic is much simpler. We can talk about the fables we learned when we were young, such as burning the boat to save the fire, racing between tortoise and rabbit, and sour grapes when we can't eat grapes. Its advantage is that the story structure is relatively simple, and it is memorable because of its educational significance. The disadvantage is that the examiners themselves have heard these stories, which are not so fresh.

The following is the reference answer given by the old roast duck editor according to the specific question requirements:

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Describe a memorable story told by someone

You should say:

Who told you the story

When you heard the story

What the story was about

Explain why you found it memorable

The story I want to tell you is the tortoise and rabbit race. I know this story is very simple. You may have heard of it. But it was really the first thing I thought of when I saw this topic.

The story I am going to talk about is the Hare and the Tortoise. I know it is a very simple story and you have probably heard about it. But it is the first story that came to my mind when I saw this task card.

When I was a child aged 4 or 5, my grandmother took care of me. Although she has no higher education, she knows many fables. What impressed me most was the tortoise and rabbit race.

Until I was 5 years old, I was raised by my grandma. Though she did not attend a college, she knew a great number of fables. The most impressive one of all the stories she had told is the hare and the tortoise.

From the name of the story, we can see that it is about a race between a rabbit and a turtle. According to common sense, most people would think that the rabbit would definitely win, and the tortoise would simply be crazy to agree to do so. The rabbit thinks so, too. If I am destined to win, why not take a break? It will not affect the result. So he slept. When he woke up, he found that the tortoise had reached the finish line and won the race.

As its name suggests, this story is about a race between the hare and the tortoise. Most people believed that the hare would definitely be the winner and the tortoise must have lost its mind to agree to the race. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it.  So did the hare. If I was bound to win, why do not I take a rest? It would not affect the result. So the hare took a rest and when it woke up, the tortoise had reached the finish line and won the race.

I think this story is unforgettable because it is simple but philosophical. It tells me that if you are a gifted person like a rabbit, you must not relax in your life journey, which will lose your advantages. If you are a normal person or a less talented person, then you should not give up, because you still have a chance to win the game.

I found the story memorable because despite its simplicity, it is very thoughtful. It told me that if you are a talented man like the hare, do not relax on the journey of life, or you will lose your edge. If you are a normal person or not that sharp like the tortoise, please do not give up, because you still have a chance to win the game.


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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a memorable story told by someone!


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