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Children from poor families - agree or disagree with IELTS writing - children bloom up in family [...]

Children from poor families - agree or disagree with IELTS writing - children bloom up in families with less money

This IELTS Writing The big composition asks everyone to explore which environment can better prepare children for the future between poor families and rich families. The former is somewhat similar to the concept of raising a son from poverty in China, which believes that a poor family environment can better enable children to establish future development goals and work harder. The latter also has its reason. Rich families can provide better education for their children, cultivate their overall quality, and then achieve the goal of coming from behind. Old Roast Duck has collected a related high score model essay for your reference.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Children brought up in families with less money are better prepared for life than those from wealthy families. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Compared with children from rich families, children from poor families will be better prepared for the future. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Sample Essay of IELTS Writing

Opening paragraph

Money plays a pivotal role in today’s social and family life and it has a relationship with the way a child grows up and prepares to meet the challenges in the future. Usually, rich families compensate better life for the children. However, some people argue that children who are brought up in middle-class families are often better prepared for their future than those who are brought up in wealthier families. I personally believe that children from wealthier families get better opportunities and they learn far more to be prepared for future challenges.

Money plays an important role in today's society and family life, and it is related to the way children grow up and the way they are prepared to meet future challenges. Usually, rich families bring better life to children. However, some people believe that children who grow up in middle-class families are usually better prepared for the future than those who grow up in wealthier families. Personally, I think children from richer families will get better opportunities. They have learned a lot and can prepare for future challenges.

Main section 1

On the one hand, it is said that families with less money prepare their children for a better future. It is true that those children learn the key elements of life in their childhood; such as the real value of money as well as how hard is it to earn, the importance of family ties and so on. Often, those children learn to save money for their future use. Therefore they automatically prepare for setting a target in life and make plans for pursuing them. Therefore many significant qualities of life are learned by these children from such a family in their earlier stages in life.

On the one hand, it is said that families with less money are ready for their children's bright future. Indeed, these children have learned the key elements of life in childhood; For example, the actual value of money, the difficulty of making money, and the importance of family relations. Usually, those children will learn to save money for future use. Therefore, they will automatically prepare for setting life goals and make plans for pursuing them. Therefore, these children learned many important quality of life from their families in the early stages of their lives.

Main section 2

On the other hand, children from wealthier families are a little behind in terms of learning many important things in childhood when compared with the mindset of poor children. However, they have all the facilities which they need for their education and future. For instance, they are well equipped with all the necessary requirements to start a business or join a job without a hassle. Furthermore, those families build the foundation for their children to begin their life perfectly. The education, teaching, and facilities those rich children get are far better than the education and teaching of the poor children. Moreover, those rich children eventually learn the most important aspects of life, maybe a little later than poor children, but they have far greater facilities that ultimately give them advantages in life.

On the other hand, compared with the way of thinking of poor children, children from richer families lag behind in learning many important knowledge in childhood. However, they have all the conveniences needed for education and the future. For example, they have fully met all the necessary requirements for starting a business or working. In addition, these families have laid the foundation for children to start life perfectly. The education, teaching and facilities that rich children get are far better than those of poor children. Moreover, those rich children eventually learn the most important aspects of life. Although they may be a little later than poor children, they have better conditions, which will eventually give them an advantage in life.


To conclude, money and education build a better future life. Because of that, wealthier children have a much better and flexible life than poor children. Therefore, I believe children from wealthy families get a competitive advantage than the children from poor families in terms of education and preparation for the future.

In a word, money and education can create a better future life. Therefore, rich children have a better and more flexible life than poor children. Therefore, I believe that children from rich families have a competitive advantage over children from poor families in terms of education and preparation for the future.

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