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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe something you learned in a place [...]

IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe something you learned in a place or from someone (a person)

Ideas: The following ideas are for your reference. I hope you can write your answers according to your real experience.

This topic card has two starting points, namely, the place or the specific person. In terms of location, we can start from what we learned from the most common school, or from the relevant different cultural knowledge obtained in foreign countries. From the perspective of a single person, you may as well refer to some topic cards about people given by the old duck Describesomeone who is knowledgeable to describe knowledgeable people to find some inspiration. As long as you choose one of these two points, it is not difficult to make a statement.

The following is the reference answer given by the old roast duck editor according to the specific question requirements:

Describe something you learned in a place or from someone

You should say:

What it was

Where or who you got it

What the situation was

How you felt

What I learned from others was Vietnamese from a teacher named Ellen. She is a very professional American language teacher trainer.

Something I learned from someone was about some basic Vietnamese from a teacher of mine named Ellen who is a very professional language teacher trainer in the U.S.

Last year, I participated in the professional teacher certification of Cambridge University. One September morning, she gave us a lesson in Vietnamese. The key problem is that I know nothing about Vietnamese. In addition, she has a special rigorous scholarship. So I was a little uneasy at that time, worried that I could not effectively master the Vietnamese content in the class. You also know how difficult it is for a beginner or a person with zero foundation to learn a language and blurt out complete sentences.

Last year I got some training in language teaching from a certified professional trainer in Cambridge. One day morning in Sept., she gave us a language course about Vietnamese in Vietnamese which we didn’t have any knowledge about. Plus, she was very strict with us in terms of learning. So, I even got butterflies in my stomach and worried that I might not pick up anything about it because you know how hard it is for a beginner or even a learner with zero foundation to learn how to blurt out a sentence.

But then something amazing happened to me. Under her guidance (including some body language, facial expressions and the use of teaching aids), we successfully greeted in Vietnamese and briefly introduced ourselves.

However, what happened next made us just can’t believe it’s real. Under some guidance using some gestures and facial expressions together with some realia, we managed to say some greetings and personal information in Vietnamese.

That should be one of the most unforgettable times last year. When you can learn Vietnamese in a pure Vietnamese teaching class, you will feel how amazing it is.

I felt it was one of the most memorable periods last year. Because you would imagine how magical it is when you had been able to pick up some Vietnamese in the class where lessons only taught in Vietnamese!

Since then, she has become a model in my language teaching. I also hope that I can at least make a difference in my own small circle.

Since then on, She just became my role model in language teaching. I hope I could one day make a difference at least in my own little circle.

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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe something you learned in a place or from someone!


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