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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a special day that you went out [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a special day that you went out but didn't spend much money (a special day out which did not cost too much)

Ideas: The following ideas are for your reference. I hope you can write your answers according to your real experience.

This question is either given directly, that is, went out, or sometimes you get a question card with the word "day out", so you have to know in advance what is called "day out"? LDOCE5 explains: a trip you make for pleasure on a particular day. The implication is that you go out for entertainment. This question easily reminds us of the topic card of car travel that has been issued before. So, what we need to do now is to turn this trip into a one-day play. For example, we will climb a mountain with our parents one day on the weekend, such as Xiangshan Mountain in Beijing, Luojia Mountain in Wuhan, etc.

The following is the reference answer given by the old roast duck editor according to the specific question requirements:

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Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money

You should say:

What day it was

Where you went

What you did

And explain who you were with

When it comes to a special outing with small expenses, I want to talk about my experience in Huashan. Huashan is in Huaxian County, in the east of Xi'an.

When it comes to a special day out that didn’t cost too much, well, I would like to talk about a trip I had to the Huashan Mountain, which is located in the Hua County, somewhere in the east of Xi’an.

I remember that it was the summer before my freshman year that I first went there for a one-day tour. A former comrade in arms of my father in the army invited our family to this world-famous Huashan Mountain. We got up early in the morning, drove there at about five o'clock, and began to climb up all the way. Huashan is not like other mountains. It has more than one peak and is a collection. We climbed all the peaks at one go. That day was the most exhausting day in that year, but it was definitely worth it!

I remember it was a summer day before my first semester of college in Xi’an that I went there for the first time. A military officer who once worked with my father in the army invited our family to have a one-day trip to this world-renowned scenic spot. We got up extremely early in the morning like 5 pm and drove to the foot of the mountain and began climbing. The mountain wasn’t like the traditional single peak one, it’s actually kind of a combination of many. We climbed all four summits at one go. That’s was probably the most energy-consuming activity during that whole year, but it’s definitely worth it!

Although we had made full preparations before we went, none of us could fully understand all the scenery of Huashan. Because there are too many sceneries waiting for you to explore and discover along the way, we don't feel bored at all. When we reached the top of the mountain, a sense of achievement came into being.

Although we were fully prepared for this trip, it seemed none of us felt so confident about every detail of small scenic spots, because there’s quite a lot for you to discover along the way, and we didn’t find any single chance of being bored. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. When we reached the highest southern summit of the mountain, we felt a kind of sense of achievement.

We all felt that the trip was both healthy and economical. Together, we spent no more than 300 yuan on tickets and drinks and got more exercise than we spent 300 yuan on membership fees in the gym.

We all felt this was a really healthy and money-saving trip. Because we just spend no more than 300 RMB for beverages and the entrance tickets during the whole trip. And we got more fitness exercises compared to those who hit the gym with more than 300 RMB membership fees.

Some people say that sometimes it is dangerous to go to these mountains. But what I want to say is that we live once in a lifetime, why not try it? And it's not that dangerous, do you think?

Someone said that it’s sometimes dangerous to go to those huge mountains, but I have to say that we only live a life for once, why not try it? Basically, it’s not that risky, right?

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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a special day that you went out but didn't spend much money!


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